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"Sidur HaReshash" [Shalom Sharabi]

There are two "Sidur HaReshash"[note 1] both of which I prayed with for years.[2] I knew the large one was more accurate but I never was able to get my hands on it until I was in Mea Shearim and found the address of the family that printed it.
Both of those sidurim I found very helpful I should add.

The only thing I really do need to add to this is that there is a great need for "devekut" attachment with God when you pray with either sidur because of the simple and well known fact that unifications in themselves do nothing unless the Divine Light is there to fill up the unifications.

But Devekut "attachment with God" is  some which everyone needs to strive to get to. There are a few places in Deuteronomy which you see that attachment with God is a positive commandment.

{note 1} The Reshash is Rav Shalom Sharabi from Yemen and then later in Yerushalim. His grandson wrote the larger Sidur. In terms of praying with the intentions of the Ari, the only thing I ever found to be practical is either of those two sidurs. It goes without saying that this ought to be done only after one has finished Shas at least once-preferably twice. People outside of Israel might find it hard to get either of these two sidurs.

[2] That is not to imply I pray with it nowadays. I feel for myself that trying to do those unifications without the proper degree of devekut and Divine light would only cause damage. However for people in a Litvak yeshiva environment where there is already a certain degree of "השראת השכינה" dwelling of the Divine Presence because of the learning Torah, --in such a place these unifications could do a great deal of good.