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learning Torah.

I see the Hafetz Haim has a section of his book that deals with the importance of learning Torah.
That is after the first two sections of the Hafetz Haim he has the section Guarding of the Tongue.
In that section he has a whole subsection dealing with learning Torah. With that I agree wholeheartedly. The trouble is nowadays the world of Torah has been penetrated by the Sitra Achra [the Dark Side]. That makes the issue difficult to resolve. I experienced this myself with the religious world which imagines itself to be keeping Torah.
What might seem like the best solution would be to stick with the straight Litvak yeshivas that more or less try to follow the European Model of what a Lithuanian Yeshiva is supposed to be. But I have found that even though that might be the best solution available, still in many places the Dark Side has managed to find entrance.

There is another kind of approach that people learn the Gemara Rishonim, Tur and the two books of Rav Joseph Karo, the House of Joseph  בית יוסף and the Laid Out Table and take exams for the Rabanut in Israel. From what I can tell this a good approach if one really intends to learn Torah not for money but rather accepts money in order to learn Torah.

Still since  many people have been severely hurt and burnt by Torah Scholars that are demons,  it makes more sense to me to learn Torah at home and just to avoid the religious altogether.

I figure there must be some kind of measuring stick to tell the difference between the real thing Torah of holiness and the torah of the Sitra Achra. Mainly my suggestion would be to follow the Gra and Rav Shach to the letter.

[Just to repeat a point I have made before. I do not think Rav Nahman from Breslov is included in the letter of excommunication that was signed by the Gra. See the book that brings down the entire letter and be exact in understanding  its language.]