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"Torah with Derech Eretz."Shimshon Refael Hirsch and Rav Cook.

When I have doubts in life about the proper path it helps me to look back to the basic approach of my parents. This path was what could be called "Torah with Derech Eretz." Which means the Law of Moses along with learning a vocation and good character traits.  The way I try to go about this is to have small sessions daily in each area of value. That is a little music, a little Gemara, Rashi, Tosphot, and Musar, a little Physics. etc. That is I strive for balance. I strive for the center.

I admit this is limited in so far as when  some doubt about a specific issue arises, there still is no advice but to go  to God directly in prayer.

This Torah with Derech Eretz was is in the Mishna, Pirkei Avot and the Rambam was decided the halacha like this.  This path became known as the path of Shimshon Refael Hirsch and also of Rav Cook. But Rav Cook had a extra emphasis on the Land of Israel also.