I thought to expand a drop on the idea I wrote about Kant Hegel and the Ari based on some math. The idea in simple terms that I put on my blog was if you take an identity element and three other things, you get a kind of triad. This is the basic idea behind a certain thing called an algebra. But do not let the word scare you. There is nothing scary about it. It is just three things with an identity element. But what Cayley- Dickson Algebra does is expand on this to make a 8 component group and then 16 and then 32 etc. It is reminiscent of what Hegel was doing and also the Reshash (Shalom Sharabi).
This would in itself not be that interesting if not for seeing how these Cayley Dickson Algebras are significant aspects of reality as in Special Relativity and String Theory. That already seems to hint at the idea that they are somehow a part of the metaphysical structure of the world.
This would in itself not be that interesting if not for seeing how these Cayley Dickson Algebras are significant aspects of reality as in Special Relativity and String Theory. That already seems to hint at the idea that they are somehow a part of the metaphysical structure of the world.