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I was at the beach and noticed a few people that looked ''yeshivish'', and asked from where they come. A Litvak yeshiva in Jerusalem. We discussed some of what I am learning nowadays, and I mentioned the sugia [subect] I am in at present--trying to figure out and argument between Rav Shach and Reb Chaim [The Brisker Rav] in the first mishna in Gitin. They asked why I am not in a yeshiva myself, and I made some excuses--while in fact it is my own fault. If I had stuck with the straight Litvak path of the Gra from the beginning, then in fact things would have been different. But once out --always out. So at least I try to hold on to learning and keeping the straight and narrow Torah path--the path of the Gra as best I can on my own.

[Part of the problem is women and men that do not value learning TORAH. Men that do not value LEARNING TORAH might very well be in yeshivot themselves and even kollel-leit--people that learn Torah and have found it a lucrative way to make a quick buck. Or you have most of the women in the world that grew up without valuing learning TORAH. It makes no difference if they are religious or not. they are nightmares.  In fact, if they are religious they are worse --self righteous hags.]