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 I had a lot of benefit from the advice of Rav Nahman of Breslov. Even though I had wanted very much to go into Physics when I was young, still I had no method of learning whereby I could do well until I discovered the way of learning of Rav Nahman. [Conversation of Rav Nahman 76.]

That helped me at first to do a considerable amount of Gemara. Then later I applied it to Physics.

[It is mainly just saying the words in order and going on. But it only works if you believe. For after all, the learning does not go in right away. Rather by saying the words, the learning gets absorbed into one subconscious and there is processed until much later it bears fruit. ]

[Rav Nahman only said this method in reference with Torah learning, but since I saw some rishonim the importance of Physics and Math I decided to try that method in an expanded way. I am not saying to be "Breslov". In fact, some kind of combination seems to be needed for me. A sort of balance. Torah with Derech Eretz.  [Torah with the way of the Earth. That is balance. It seems to me that the major way to gain learning Torah is only with the path of the Gra. In spite of the amazing advice of Rav Nahman about learning Torah, still the major benefit seems to be only within the context of the path of the Gra. and Rav Shach.  On the other hand I can see that the path of the Lithuanian yeshivot can be lacking some of the major benefits of the path of Rav Nahman. So  And even both of them have some areas where they are lacking. You can see this spelled out clearly in the 13 stories of Rav Nahman where each the king's ministers were all dispersed at the time of the great hurricane. So where you find one kind perfection you do not find another. So the thing to do is to bring teh different aspects of God's light together. See that story in detail and you will see what I mean.]