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What counts as metaphysics?

What counts as metaphysics that the rishonim [mediaeval authorities] emphasized learning?

At least we can see right on the first page of the important and first book of Musar, The Obligations of the Heart. He is referring to Aristotle and the Muslim commentaries. Al Kindi and Al Farabi. But we can also see his actual system of metaphysics in the first section which is Neo-Platonic. [So he is including the Neo Platonic, Plotinus]

This approach is certainly based on Saadia Gaon.

So the question is what about Kant? After all these same rishonim also emphasis learning Physics. So we would not say everyone ought to learn the Physics of Aristotle. We understand the discipline has made advancement. So can we say the same about philosophy?  Well on one hand  Philosophy has not made linear advancement since Aristotle. And so Aristotle and Plato would still be necessary to learn. But on the other hand there has been some progress. But other issues have come up. So I would add Kant, Leonard Nelson, Hegel, Thomas Reid [the philosopher of common sense].