Belief in God is rational. Everything has a cause. So unless there is a first cause, then you would have an infinite regress. And then nothing could exist. Therefore there must be a first cause. Therefore God, the first cause, exists. QED.
dead tzadikim
And even if no one listens to the Gra, I still am obligated to warn people. [The Gra is not at all like the insane religious world. They use Torah as weapon to hurt secular Jews.
Torah can guide people to the right way. It can guide one to Objective Morality. [That is the Oral and Written Law]]. But what makes this impossible to tell people is that the Dark Side has hijacked it. The Sitra Achra has taken over the religious world. So one can and must still learn and keep Torah, but far away from the religious who have been taken over.
Rav Nahman did hint to this to the degree of warning us about Torah scholars that are demons in the Le.M vol I:12 but still in his time this problem had not extended outwards.
However it would be possible to recommend the great Litvak yeshivot like the Mir in NY or any of the great yeshivot based on the Gra in Israel. However this is also an "ify" kind of answer, because things are not so simple even in the best of places. At least they teach authentic Torah. But the Sitra Achra can reach even there.
There is something "off" about the religious world and I can not tell what it is. And I dare not speculate. [(At least it is clear that the religious worship dead people. Not God. That much is easy to see. But is that the whole problem? Who knows?)]
And even if no one listens to the Gra, I still am obligated to warn people. At least I have said what is clearly the case and anyone with the slightest bit of common sense can see this, still when people refuse to pat attention, I have fulfilled my obligation.
[The Gra is not at all like the insane religious world. They use Torah as weapon to hurt secular Jews.
every word of Torah [the Written Law and the Gemara ] is worth as much as all the other commandments
The approach of the Gra is that every word of Torah [the Written Law and the Gemara ] is worth as much as all the other commandments put together. But what diminishes the effect of learning Torah is when it gets mixed up with other stuff. It as healthy as a fudge sundae mixed with a tiny bit of cyanide at the bottom. So while Torah would be a correction to all kinds of strange notions going around nowadays, still at present, even learning Torah can not help. Torah can help only when it is authentic.
It is odd how Torah got to be a means of making money
It is odd how Torah got to be a means of making money when it seems clear that it was meant to be a "for the sake of Heaven" kind of thing. I might not think this so odd if not for the commentary of the Rambam on Pirkei Avot where he says the heads of the yeshivot that claim it is a good deed to give them money are lying. [That is not on the first time that mishna is brought there. The first time is in the first chapter. But later it is brought again כל המשתמש בתגא חלף [who ever uses the Torah passes away] and there the Rambam says that comment.
That comment of the Rambam was the cause of the first arguments against him during his lifetime. That argument is not well known. The second argument against him was because of the Guide for the Perplexed. That one seems to have bee more wide spread since it included the Baali HaTosphot and also Rabbainu Yona [author of the Gates of Repentance]. Later Rabbainu Yona realized his mistake and in fact repented and thus we have the classic Musar book Gates of Repentance. [There are four classics: חובות לבבות שערי תשובה, אורחות צדיקים מסילת ישרים.]
Review ten times
One of the important ideas I gained in Shar Yashiv [a great Litvak yeshiva of Rav Shelomo Freifeld] was the idea of review ten times. [That is review of every paragraph or chapter, or what ever subdivision is the most applicable for that subject. E.g.Tospho t.]But I did not apply this idea much at all. I felt so lacking in background information that I used to do review twice and go on. This never got me into the depths of Torah learning, but at least I covered some ground.
[This sort of approach of review of each paragraph many times helps in Physics. In terms of Tosphot, I find doing the same Tosphot day after day more helpful.]
My dad I think will never get credit for the infrared telescope and laser communication between satellites. [I know about the later because he took me to his lab at TRW and I saw it]
I realize that being smart and being talented are not the same thing. For though my dad was smart, but certainly no genius IQ. But when it came to inventing stuff he was a genius. [Which clearly he will never get credit for.] The first was the infrared telescope. [At least for that in fact he did get the credit in Life Magazine. (note 1)But that is totally forgotten about today. When they launched the James Web Telescope [which is an infrared telescope], no one even bothered to mention who invented the infrared telescope. Next was the X-ray satellites launched for the USA space program. [Even though here I am guessing. For my dad did in fact invent the Copy-Mate Machine using x-rays to make a super sharp copy machine. (not sure how that worked). But then he was snatched up by TRW in 1965 until to make their x ray satellites. [Those were the first spy satellites.] Then after that he made laser communication between satellites--also at TRW until the TRW satellite program itself was shut down because of two moles that were selling the technology there to the KGB. [That was made into a movie the Snowman and the Falcon]
[And though I am no where as smart or talented as he was, I still try to walk in his path and combine that with the path of the Gra and Rav Shach of straight Torah. That is Torah with Derech Eretz.
(note 1) It is good that Life Magazine article was published with my father's photo. My dad's mother said she would have given ten years of her life just to see that picture. That seems to be the only bit of credit that will ever be known.
God is the First Cause.
The way I conceive of God is the First Cause. The general way this is attacked is "Then what caused the first cause?" The way to answer this objection is this: if you always need a cause of a cause [an infinite series] that would defeat the entire concept of causality. For you would never get to any cause if you would have to go an infinite number of steps back. So if you accept causality at all, you have to accept the First Cause.
The First Cause does not say anything else. {Thinking of God as the First Cause does not say anything about His Nature. If you want to get to that you need to show that by rigorous logic}
The problem with people's conception of "Hashem " is it is like
a personal "god" that they can command to do what they want.
And "all religions” are not connected with God. For example, the Aztec religion was a religion and has very little to do with God.
The proof of Godel about the existence of God is important, but that is not the issue I want to address here. But I might as well mention I had away of sealing up his proof with an idea I saw in a Mathematical Logic Book.In Mathematical Logic there are two principles which answer the objection of Kant.
(Completeness Theorem)(Compactness Theorem).I am not at present involved in this subject but I thought to write it down just for a reminder to look at this later.
The place I learned about these two theorems was from Stefan Bilaniuk's book A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic Chapter 4. [][From the finite to the infinite. Perhaps the simplest use of the Compactness Theorem is to show that if there exist arbitrarily large finite objects of some type, then there must also be an infinite object of this type.]