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Showing posts with label Family history in California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family history in California. Show all posts


Family history in California

The idea of my Dad in moving to California was to work for a company called Ford Aerospace. He had gotten there after work in NJ at an US Army base in Monmouth NJ where he was the head of the team that made the first Infra Red Camera. That got him into Life Magazine. Then McCarthy came there and started his anti communistic thing right there at that base  on Friday. The next Monday My Dad came in with Bernard Marcus and they were the only two people left on the team. Everyone else had been fired. That was about fifty engineers who were all Jewish plus one German fellow whose wife was Jewish. 

They were all rehired after the heat was off. But my Dad and Marcus were put off by the whole thing, and so accepted a job offer in CA. 
At that time he also worked on the U-2 camera.

After three years he invented in the garage a kind of copy machine that was super sharp based on x-rays and marketed it. After some time he sold the company and moved to Beverly Hills and worked on Laser Satellite Communication for Star Wars [SDI] at TRW.
That was the same time the KGB had a mole there. My Dad left that after about 5 years and right after that the mole was discovered and the company went under, and a major motion picture was made about the incident. [''The Falcon and the Snowman'' named after the two criminals that stole and old man Dad's inventions and other technology at TRW to the KGB.]

[After that I went to two great Litvak yeshivot in NY, Shar Yashuv and the Mir.--Both great but their approach to learning differed. shar Yashuv was more into in depth understanding of Tosphot and the depths on the page--like you can see in the Pnei Yehoshua. The Mir was definitely along the lines of Rav Chaim of Brisk--global issues like between Tosphot, Rambam and how the subject on the page relates to related issues throughout the Talmud.