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someone using Torah to make money to me seems completely wrong

There is a pretty straight forward law that one is not allowed to make money by learning or teaching Torah. But as for shechita I can see the point of having a rav to check the knife and signs of possible traif. I can also see the point of a Kollel where people accept charity in order to continue learning Torah. That is to say, that I can see in positive light the yeshivot and kollels where people really want to learn Torah, and accept a stipend in order to be able to continue to learn. But the position of someone using Torah to make money to me seems completely wrong. Rav Naftali Troup was one of a few great Torah sage in Lithuania before WWII, and there were problems in Europe with the Litvak Torah World. Somone wrote a letter to Naftali Troup why asking, "Why he did not come to America?" And he answering a letter all rabanim in the USA use Torah to make money. In his words, “In America, Torah is a business.” And he added, “They are all trying to sell their brand.” The problem in the USA in the religious world is that religious people think that they are righteous.