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to understand Christianity

I spent a good deal of time trying to understand Christianity and my basic impression is that there are different opinions in the four gospels about who Jesus was.  But at no  point did he claim to be God. Being a son of God is not the same thing as God. Saying  to Pontius Pilate "I am" is not saying that he was God. He was not being asked if he was God. The question was if he was king of the Jews. And as for the phrase "I am" that is not the same thing as what God said at the burning bush where he said אהיה אשר אהיה "I will be that who I will be"  

But in any case, there are four different opinions about who Jesus was in the four Gospels. 

And as for nullification of the commandments, that was the idea of Paul who certainly did not get it from Jesus who never said [nor dreamed]such a thing.