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b100 b101 music files [these two I wrote sometime around 2000 A.D. The e files I think I wrote later around 2003. --using the nwc music writing program. Later transferred to midi . Then eventually I got access to mp3, but no longer.]

 I thought to share some old music files. So here is one from a few years back b100 mp3  [same in midi file b100 here is another b101.[b101 midi file]  And another e36 mp3. e36 midi file Here is a old P file also from around the year 2000. Here is another old e file.e34mp3 [e34 midi file]

i1 mp3 file (i1 midi file

and here is a file I am not sure if it is worth sharing b98 mp3 [b98midi]

here is gem I totally forget writing at all:j90mp3.j90midi

And others j81 j47 j2 file j3 file j6 [j6 midi file] i89 [i89 nwc file] (This i89 was almost finished but forgotten. I now had just add the last few measures.]) j10

Why share now? you might ask.  I do not know.  I was just writing it for me. [And it would take a lot of time to see what is worth sharing, and what would be worth sharing with editing. And besides tons of files were lost.