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importance of alliances.

The very identity of some people depends on disagreeing with Jesus. If you would take that away, they would not know who they are. It is a matter of their very essence. 
But I think this is not well thought out. For after all in the NT [New Testament] we find that Jesus emphasized keeping the written and Oral Law. Mathew chapter 23. "The Scribes sit on the seat of Moses and so everything they say to do, that you must obey and do." And then he goes on to attack the hypocrisy of many of those that profess to be religious. And the sages of the Talmud also attack the hypocrisy of the religious. It is brought in the end of tractate Shabat "If you see a generation upon which troubles come, go and check the judges of Israel. For all the troubles that come into the world come only because of the judges of Israel as it says in the verse 'their judges judge for bribes..'"[That is a verse in Isaiah]

[The place where keeping the Written Law is emphasized is right at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount.]

I admit I have my own idea about where Jesus fits into the scheme of things. חסד שביסוד של אצילות. [Literal trans. Kindness of Foundation of Emanation] In short that a concept you would find in the writings of Rav Isaac Lura. The basic idea is this. You have the first emanation of God's light into the Empty Space. ["Let there be light."] It goes down a bit and then goes around in a circle. Then it goes down a bit more and goes around in another circle. This continues all together ten times. Then the process starts again but this time the light forms into Adam Kadmon. Then light comes out from his ears, nose, mouth and then eyes. That light goes down until the navel. Then you get the process of the light running forwards down and back up. At some point there begins the Breaking of the vessels.[The death of the kings of Edom in Genesis. ] Then the broken pieces go down into lower levels which become to lower worlds. And the light goes back up. Then to start the process of correction [tikun] some of the broken pieces are brought back up and united with some aspects of the light. One of those corrections is the light of kindness is put into the vessel of Foundation.

[See the Eitz Chaim of Rav Chaim Vital for more details. But after doing Shas first.]

So while on one hand I can see some good points in the Evangelicals. But also some of the doctrines I find to be off base. [Metaphor from baseball]. The resolution I found in the Peloponnesian War about the importance of alliances. [That was a sub theme throughout that book]. So to be a support to goof groups is important even if you are not in complete agreement with everything they say. As long as they are in fact good.