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Faith and trust depend on one's words.

In terms of trust in God I wanted to mention that Rav Nahman of Breslov says in LeM Vol II, chapter 44 and later the idea that "faith depends on the mouth." [That is,-- saying words of faith in God counts as faith itself, and also brings one to faith. So one has to be very careful never to say words of denying faith-- even if one does not mean them. [The next place this is brought I think is around LeM Vol II. 86.]
So I wanted to add an idea that since we know that faith and trust in God are connected that therefore trust in God also depends on one's words. That is just saying words of trust in God like "God will help me. God will protect me. God will guide me," is in itself counted as trust in God and also brings one to trust even when at first one does not have it.