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I have thought about learning for sometime. How to learn? Does it depend on what one is learning?

Does every subject need a different approach? And what is worthwhile to learn?

I mentioned here a there a few ideas that I heard from different sources over the years.Maybe it would be a good idea to put it all together in one essay. But just for now I will just say over some random ideas and maybe organize it all later.
(1) Whatever is the hardest-do it first thing when you wake up for the first hour.
(2) I also heard about the last 20 minutes before bed but I have not been able to do that myself.
(3) Saying the words and going on as it says in the Talmud Shabat and Avodah Zara. This is also brought down in the Musar book אורחות צדיקים.
(4) The main things I think to learn are the 1. The Written and Oral Torah, 2. Physics, 3. Survival skills, 4. A Vocation.
(5) Because of the difficulty of Physics I find that for myself it is best to do the Physics session right when I wake up. But others might prefer a different schedule.
(6) The desirability of Physics I based on the Rambam and the Musar book the חובות לבבות
(7) I have found doing Physics in Hebrew, Russian and German to be helpful. Often there is some missing piece that you find in the Hebrew, Russian or German that the English does not cover.
(8) Gemara learning. Besides the basic need to go through the whole Oral Law word for word, I have found it helpful to stay on one Tosphot for a long time and an essay from Rav Elazar Menachem Shach or Reb Chaim Soloveitchik. ["Long time" can mean a week or a month or more.]

[9] The Rambam does say Metaphysics and Physics. He is referring to Aristotle. But what that would mean today? It means I think a whole vast realm of learning that I do not feel up to. But the way I see it it would mean Aristotle's Metaphysics , the Guide, Crescas, Joseph Albo, Ibn Gavirol, Abravenal, Kant. Hegel.