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Tosphot.I would have to say how you deal with Tosphot probably depends on your situation. If you have a learning partner with a high IQ, that is probably the best thing.

It is hard to know how to deal with Tosphot.
I have avoided this subject because it seems to me that people in a Litvak yeshiva would have to go about Tosphot in a different way than me.
Since I anyway try my best to divide my time between Torah and Physics, that gives me a kind of space to deal with Tosphot in my own way which would not work for people in a Lithuanian Yeshiva. Since my time is limited anyway what I usually do is just to take one page of Gemara and go over it with Tosphot for about a month. That means I am trying to review each Tosphot every day.  That is from where the ideas come from that I wrote in my two small books on Bava Metzia and Ideas in Shas. The fact that I was doing a lot of review on those Tosphot or on Rav Shach or Rav Haim Halevi helped me to come to the ideas that I wrote down there.
But when I was a  Litvak in a Litvak yeshiva doing Gemara all day, I clearly was not doing that. I was just reviewing each  Tosphot about twice, and then go straight to the Maharsha and Pnei Yehoshua. I would try to get the basic idea and then simply go on. [Understanding the Pnei Yehoshua and Maharasha as you can imagine took me a lot more  review than just twice. Sometimes I had to get up to about 15 times of review before I would get the idea.]
And then there was the time I was learning with my learning partner who has an IQ many magnitudes above me, and he would prepare, so when I got to the learning session he had already thought  of some of the difficulties with Tosphot.

So in conclusion  I would have to say how you deal with Tosphot probably depends on your situation.
If you have a learning partner with a high IQ, that is probably the best thing. If you are in a Litvak yeshiva, then in fact it probably makes the most sense to try to make progress. Learn the Tosphot, Maharsha and Pnei Yehoshua a few times and then go on. Also have a separate session in the Avi Ezri of Rav Shach. [That is I think the best idea with the Avi Ezri is just to plow through it straight since Rac Shach usually explains the issues clearly before he gets to his basic new idea. It is probably the clearest sefer on learning Gemara in depth that I have ever seen or ever heard of]


learning Torah.

I see the Hafetz Haim has a section of his book that deals with the importance of learning Torah.
That is after the first two sections of the Hafetz Haim he has the section Guarding of the Tongue.
In that section he has a whole subsection dealing with learning Torah. With that I agree wholeheartedly. The trouble is nowadays the world of Torah has been penetrated by the Sitra Achra [the Dark Side]. That makes the issue difficult to resolve. I experienced this myself with the religious world which imagines itself to be keeping Torah.
What might seem like the best solution would be to stick with the straight Litvak yeshivas that more or less try to follow the European Model of what a Lithuanian Yeshiva is supposed to be. But I have found that even though that might be the best solution available, still in many places the Dark Side has managed to find entrance.

There is another kind of approach that people learn the Gemara Rishonim, Tur and the two books of Rav Joseph Karo, the House of Joseph  בית יוסף and the Laid Out Table and take exams for the Rabanut in Israel. From what I can tell this a good approach if one really intends to learn Torah not for money but rather accepts money in order to learn Torah.

Still since  many people have been severely hurt and burnt by Torah Scholars that are demons,  it makes more sense to me to learn Torah at home and just to avoid the religious altogether.

I figure there must be some kind of measuring stick to tell the difference between the real thing Torah of holiness and the torah of the Sitra Achra. Mainly my suggestion would be to follow the Gra and Rav Shach to the letter.

[Just to repeat a point I have made before. I do not think Rav Nahman from Breslov is included in the letter of excommunication that was signed by the Gra. See the book that brings down the entire letter and be exact in understanding  its language.]


Rav Nahman from Breslov did not hold a very high opinion of Torah scholars that are demons.

ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א סימן כ''ח
כי תלמידי חכמים שדין יהודאין הם מקבלים תורתם מהשדין שיש להם תורה נפולה מאלפין נפולים ובאלפין אלו כתיב בשלמה :"וידבר שלשת אלפים משל ויהי שירו חמישה ואלף", כי שלמה זכה להם בקדושה, אבל תלמידי חכמים שדין יהודאין מקבלים מהם דרך הקליפות
Likutai Moharan Vol I:28

"For Torah scholars, that are demons, receive their Torah lessons from the demons who have a fallen Torah from the fallen letters of "א" ("Aleph"). And on these fallen letters it says by King Solomon, 'He spoke 3000 parables, and his song was 1005.' For King Solomon merited to them in holiness, but Torah scholars, that are demons, receive them by way of the kelipot [the dark side]."

Later on in Likutai Moharan Volume I: 61, Rav Nahman goes into detail about the problem of "Semicha" ordination --that is when these Torah scholars that are demons receive from each other ordination.
"These Torah scholars that are demons can not guide themselves, much less so anyone else. And they take honor for themselves to claim to be able to lead everyone. It is important not to give them honor or power or ordination. The Torah scholars that are demons themselves are not all that guilty since they have a strong evil inclination.  But those that give them ordination will have to answer for their crimes in the future." [Likutai Moharan Volume I: 61] [Here Rav Nahman is mentioning not just the problem with demonic Torah scholars, but also the problem of giving them power. In  the last Tora lesson that Rav Nahman ever said in his life II:8 he also brings this up and also in II:1. There is says that these demonic Torah scholars are the cause of all sexual sin-because they bring that kelipa [evil force] into the world.]

The idea behind all this is simple, that since they get their persuasive abilities  and charisma from the Dark Side, they have vast powers to deceive. They can lead whole communities down the path to Gehinom (Hell). And their powers have only grown stronger since Rav Nahman said these things.
[And since the leaders are evil, the entire religious world is corrupt. To make people religious used to be thought of as an important goal , but most people's sins occur because they are religious. As Rav Nahman also said people will have to repent on their repentance.]

[The practical approach to this is hard to know. For me personally I just do my best to avoid them--but that only started because of personal experience and hard learned lessons. If I had been smart I would have listened to Rav Nahman in the first place without having to learn this the hard way. ]
So how do you tell whom to avoid? I try to take the safe approach and simply avoid all of them. I just will not go anywhere near them.] The few people that are aware of this problem are ignored. So it does not do much good to say anything about it. I guess people have to learn the hard way.

I might mention that the great Litvak yeshivas of Europe were generally immune to this problem since they were learning Torah for its own sake and also Musar. That mostly provided some kind of  force field against the powers of the Dark Side. Nowadays I am not so sure. To me it looks as the entire religious world have been snatched up by the Dark Side because of their following Torah scholars that are demons.

The main reason why it is allowed to make this known publicly is מפרסמים את החנפים נפני חילול השם or to be more specific in the Hafetz Haim there is the permission to tell people about wicked people even if their wickedness is not yet known because when people look into the matter they will discover that in fact everything that was said about those wicked men is true.  חפץ חיים כלל י' הלכה ב

Now the Hafetz Haim is speaking over there in Klal 10 about בין אדם לחבירו (between man and his fellow man) issues. You do not see all of those seven conditions in Klal 4 where the Hafetz Haim is writing about בין אדם למקום (between man and God) issues.  In any case, I think it is clear that when Rav Nahman was warning people about religious leaders, that he fulfilled all the necessary conditions about when and how it is permissible-- and even required to warn people about a danger to their physical or spiritual health.
There are five conditions for בין אדם למקום [between man and God] issues in the Hafetz Haim Klal 4 halacha 7 in the באר מיים חיים paragraph 32. (1) to see the crime himself, (2) to think if the crime was really against the Torah, (3) not to make it worse than what it really was, (4) to intend for תועלת some benefit, (5) not to say one thing behind their backs and something else in front of them.

These are different than the conditions for speaking about between man and his fellow man in three ways. there is no requirement of rebuke, no requirement of accomplishing the benefit in some other way if possible, that damage should not be caused more that what would be caused according to the law of the Torah. And the not hiding oneself condition does not exist in the between man and his fellow man arena.

In any case, the only people that I know of that are aware of this problem are the Na Nach group, and it ought to be more well known.

The difficulty here is that there is an obligation to be good, and also to influence others to be good as brought in the Obligations of the Heart [שער הביטחון פרק ד]. [He says there that one does not get into heaven without that last thing]

Another place where you see in the Hafetz Haim that people make a show of their religiosity and yet are dishonest are not in the category of being Jewish is in שמירת הלשון חתימת הספר דף רל''ג.
This is what he writes there: ובעוונותינו הרבים יש אנשים שנזהרים בכל עניני דת התורה כדין ואיסור גזל קל בעיניהם להונות לבני אדם בכל מיני תחבולות וכהאי גוונא, ומורגלים בזה מאד ולא ידעו  כי בנפשם הוא. ויוצא על ידי זה מכלל רעך ועמיתיך מלבד מה שהוא פסול לעדות על ידי זה וראיה ממה שאמרו חז''ל [ע''ז כו.] רועי בהמה דקה [שמורגלים לרעות בשדות אחרים] לא מעלים ולא מורדים, והיינו שאם נפלו בתוך הבור אין להעלותן אף שבשאר איש ישראל יש על זה לאו מיוחד "לא תעמוד על דם רעך" שמחויב להעלותו וגם לשכור אנשים להעלותו כדאיתא בסנהדרין ע''ג . אבל בזה מפני רשעו אין להעלותו
The Hafetz Haim writes : "There are people who are careful in all religious matters according to the most strict opinions but the prohibition of theft and fraud is light in their eyes. They trick and defraud people with all kinds of methods. They are very much accustomed to this. They do not know that by this they are not considered Jewish; they have left the category of being one one of Klal Israel even though in externals they are very religious."
It is too easy to put on religious clothing, and thus to signal virtue. Myself I make it a point to not look religious at all. " מה ה' אלקיך דורש ממך... והצניע לכת עם אלקיך" The prophet says, "What does Go ask from you except to walk modestly with God"--that is not to advertise how religious you are.

The point of Rav Nahman was to indicate how the Dark Side has infiltrated the religious world. So for one's moral and mental health the best idea is to avoid it unless a lot of people would wake up. And how would that be? It could be you could have places that learn strictly according to the Gra. That would help a lot. But I know only one place in Jerusalem that goes by the Gra in every detail{Aderet Eliyahu}. But if other places did that, that would help a lot.
[Litvak yeshivas are close to the path of the Gra, but as far as I can see, they are no where near close enough.]

The best approach to solve this problem is not to pay anyone to learn or teach Torah. That would I hope take away a lot of the "not for its own sake." And oddly enough the actual law is that on is not alowed to use Torah to make money.But there is no questionwhy this is ignored. Answer: people will use any means what so ever to get ahead and make a buck, and worry about right and wrong later


ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן ח': אך דע שיש רב דקליפה והוא בחינת עשו כמו שכתוב בעשו יש לי רב והוא בחינת אלופי עשו וכמו שתרגם אונקלוס רברבי עשו בחינת הרב דקליפה s it says in Genesis that Esau said "I have a rav." And that is on the level of the leaders of Esau.

Spiritual leaders get a negative review in the major book of Rav Nahman from Breslov.
This is scattered throughout the ליקוטי מוהר''ן. And I have known this for while but now that I have access to the book of Rav Nahman I think I should write down a few of his comments. and then translate.
[Volume II:8] כי כשמתקרבין חס ושלום  למנהיג של שקר על ידי זה באין חס ושלום לאמונות כזביות כי מנהיג של שקר הוא בחינת נהיא השקר
"When people  come close to a spiritual leader who is a lie, by that they come to false beliefs. for a spiritual leader who is a lie has the very essence of the false prophets."
[This problem was clearly a large concern of Rav Nahman because it comes up so often in the ליקוטי מוהר''ן. Today the problem was just gotten worse.]

[I have mentioned before that this also comes up in the Talmud and the Ari. However nowadays you do not hear about it much except from the Na Nach group.]

[That is the from very last Torah lesson that Rav Nahman ever said during his lifetime.]

But to go in order here is his statement in [I:8] ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן ח': אך דע שיש רב דקליפה והוא בחינת עשו כמו שכתוב בעשו יש לי רב והוא בחינת אלופי עשו וכמו שתרגם אונקלוס רברבי עשו בחינת הרב דקליפה
"Know that there is a rav of the kelipa and he is the essence of Esau [the brother of Jakob], as it says in Genesis that Esau said "I have a rav." And that is on the level of the leaders of Esau.

Then later in I:12
ולבן הוא תלמיד חכם שד יהודי [עיין זוהר שמות ג: פנחס דף רי''ז] שתורתו להתיהר ולקנטר  ותלמיד חכם כזה נבלה טובה הימנו
Laban was a Torah scholar who was a demon, for his Torah was to brag and argue, and  on a scholar like that it says "" dead meat is better than him."

If someone would have the time it would be a good idea to collect all the statements in the sages of the Talmud חז''ל that also warn about this problem.

The Hafetz Haim concerning before a blind person do not place a stumbling block

Can a person transgress לפני עור (before a blind person  do not place a stumbling block.) an infinite number of times? The Hafetz Haim brings down from the gemara in Bava Metzia that a borrower does transgress this because if he would not borrow then the lender would not have anyone to transgress not to take interest. The Hafetz Haim then applies this to slander. If one would not listen to it then the one who says it would have no one to talk to. But then the talker causes the listener to transgress לפני עור(before a blind person ...). So he is transgressing לפני לפני עור(before before a blind person ). Now the listener is causing the speaker to transgress לפני לפני עור (before before a blind person... ) so he transgresses לפני לפני לפני עור (before before before a blind person ...) .

So by speaking slander [לשון הרע] just one time one transgress לפני עור an infinite number of times! One for causing the person to hear lashon hara. And once for causing him to transgress before a blind person. And once for causing him to transgress causing the listener to transgress before before a blind person...

[I think I must have thought of this years ago. But just today I was borrowing the book Hafez Haim and thought of this again.]


Does a person transgress לפני עור  an infinite number of times by speaking לשון הרע once? The חפץ חיים brings down from the גמרא in בבא מציעא that a borrower does transgress this. The reason is this. If the borrower would not borrow, then the lender would not have anyone to transgress not to take interest. The חפץ חיים then applies this to slander. If one would not listen to it, then the speaker would have no one to talk to. But then the speaker causes the listener to transgress לפני עור. So he is transgressing לפני לפני עור. Now the listener is causing the speaker to transgress לפני לפני עור, so he transgresses לפני לפני לפני עור. So by speaking לשון הרע just one time, one transgress לפני עור an infinite number of times! One for causing the person to hear לשון הרע. And once for causing him to transgress לפני עור. And once for causing him to transgress causing the listener to transgress לפמי לפני עור...

האם אדם עובר על לפני עור מספר אינסופי פעמים על ידי דיבור אחד של לשון הרע? החפץ החיים מביא  מן הגמרא בבא מציעא  שהלווה עובר על זה. הסיבה היא זו. אם הלווה לא היה לווה, אז המלווה לא היה לאף אחד  לקחת ממנו ריבית. החפץ חיים אז מחיל זו על לשון הרע. אם אחד לא יקשיב לו, אז הדובר לא יהיה עם מי לדבר. אבל אז הדובר גורם למאזין להפר לפני העור.  עכשיו המאזין הגורם שהדובר עובר על לפני לפני עור, כך שהוא עובר לפני לפני לפני עור. אז על ידי דיבור לשון הרע רק פעם אחת, אחד עובר על לפני עור מספר אינסופי של פעמים!

Music for the Glory of God [all in midi format.]


Quantum Reality. So Kant was right? Time is just a way to measure things?

So Kant was right? Time is just a way to measure things?

[Computer overheats quickly so I can not see the whole thing--but I got the idea.]