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Showing posts with label schizoid typal personality types.--they are anything but maladjusted when it comes to reproduction.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schizoid typal personality types.--they are anything but maladjusted when it comes to reproduction.. Show all posts


schizoid typal personality types.--they are anything but maladjusted when it comes to reproduction.

Dr Hoffman  at Irvine has some articles that are very suggestive of the system of thought of Kant. I am pretty sure he has not heard of the Kant approach for otherwise I think he would have mentioned it. 

I saw Dr Hoffman mentioned on this blog


ted talk dr hoffman  fitness cancels perception of all of reality

This explains schizoid typal personality types.--they are anything but maladjusted when it comes to reproduction. It is them and their children and friends that get all the good shiduchim [marriage proposals]. 

Even though their perception of reality is highly flawed.

You have to say this was the implied approach of the Rambam as per his idea that even natural law of Avraham the Patriarch had to be revealed by God and could not have been known by reason. This is implied in other places in the Guide and in the Eight Chapters {on Avot} where the Rambam continuously makes a distinction between perceiving the difference between true and false and knowing the difference between right and wrong.

But to claim the Rambam had already worked out a system like Kant would take a lot more than a few hints here and there. It would take a detailed study of the Guide for the perplexed with knowledge of Aristotle to  even begin to get an idea of what he was talking about. Sadly knowledge of Aristotle nowadays is very superficial and of the Guide even less so.