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 I was in the Breslov place today and they were learning Lesson 52 in the book of Rav Nahman. There is brought the idea that "hitbodadut" [talking with God as one talks with a close friend] helps to correct one's midot [character traits]. But I think that Rav Nahman is depending on a certain amount of knowledge of context. I mean to say that just hitbodadut by itself without knowledge of what is a good character trait and what is not probably can not help much.

How could hitbodadut help one to correct the trait of speaking lashon hara [slander] unless one even knows that lashon hara is wrong, and also knows the specific laws of lashon hara.

Rather my impression is that Rav Nahman's teachings are meant to bring one to a higher level of service of God. But there has to be something to start with. Some basic knowledge of authentic Torah. But authentic Torah nowadays is only found in the Litvak yeshiva world. And the closer to the path of the Gra, the better.