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As great as my parents were, they were not born into a vacuum. They received their values  from their parents  who had a definite Musar Jewish Ethics point of view.
So to get what exactly made my parents as great and amazing as they were you should  learn the Old Testament and the basic set of Musar Jewish ethics books to get a basic idea.

Jewish Ethics is mainly medieval. Orchot Tzadikim (The Paths of the Righteous) and Duties of the Hearts (חובות לבבות) Sefer haYashar. Why only the Middle Ages? I really don't know. But after the time of the Talmud itself the age of the best scholarship was the Medieval period.
There was a movement to revive the learning of Musar by Israel Salanter. And this movement has tricked along for some time but I should like to see it turn into a flowing river.