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But outside of a small circle of legitimate things most of what passes for Kabala is pure Sitra Achra [powers of darkness.]Especially people known kabalistic expertise are certainly all from the Dark Side sent to make innocent people unclean

The main place where the Sitra Achra [Dark Side] gets it façade of legitimacy from is Kabalah.
But there are some authors there that  are legitimate, and even worthwhile to learn like Shalom Sharabi's Nahar Shalom, Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira, Issac Luria and the books of the Gra on Kabalah.[Also Rav Luzato. the author of the Mesilat Yesharim on Kabala are very good.] But outside of a small circle of legitimate things, most of what passes for Kabala is pure Sitra Achra [powers of darkness.] Especially people of known kabalistic expertise are certainly all from the Dark Side sent to make innocent people unclean. This is the reason one ought to run from the religious world as far away as possible since the whole shebang was taken over  long time ago, and they use their supposed religiosity to hide their inner rot and fungus revelations

[I ought to add that Rav Nahman's ideas were from the realm of holiness, but when taken without the straight Litvak context, tend to get people off track.]

In any case, to actually see and learn the wonders of God in his creation , I think it makes more sense to do Physics and Math. This idea is certainly that of the Rishonim [mediaeval authorities]before the Zohar was published as you can see in all books of Musar that were written before the Zohar was made known.

Even before the Sitra Achra became totally entwined with kabalah, it was still hard not to get sidetracked. All the more so nowadays, it just is not worth it to endanger one's soul for the sake of the delusional "high" that Kabala gives one.


To make yeshivas on the name of the Gra and Rav Shach would be in the category of "bringing merit to many."

There is a yeshiva in the old city of Jerusalem that goes by the Gra totally. That is the Aderet Eliyahu of the Zilverman's. But it seems to me that to start study halls in other places in the world especially Israel makes sense. The reason is that the regular Litvak path, while fairly decent, still lacks that emphasis on the Gra that would save a lot of people from the Sitra Achra (Dark Side).
this is not meant to disparage the great ideas of Rav Nahman of Breslov, but rather to help people come to straight authentic Torah. With the context of straight Torah, many of Rav Nahman's ideas can be very helpful. But when taken outside that context, it usually gets people off track.

[The idea here is that sometimes it happens that one is not able to learn Torah as much as he should. if at least he or she could help contribute the creating places of study that go by the Gra specifically, this would at least be a step in the right direction.]

Besides that it would be good for me if there was a study hall or yeshiva in my area on the name of the Gra so that I would be able to learn a little bit of Torah. As things stand today I am afraid of walking into any religious place because the Sitra Achra has taken over most of them. But places on the name of the Gra or which go by the straight Litvak path are safe. 


I also noticed the Obligations of the Heart says all you can use reason for about God is that he exists and is One and eternal; but after that, we can only know Him by his works. All other questions about God are not knowable to Rav Ibn Pakuda [the author.] (note 1) But even more so. He says thinking about God any further that those three facts makes one insane. And that it clearly why the religious world is in fact insane in a collective way.

(note 1) The concept of location does not apply to God. Rav Ibn Pakuda makes a point of this fact. Asking, "Where is God?" is like talking about the color of air. He is not in space or time at all but also space and time are not empty of Him. Place is simply not applicable.

But this is really just one example of the problem that Rav Nahman of Breslov goes into concerning the issue of Torah scholars that are demons that falsify the teachings of Torah. Thus it came about that the entire religious world is built on false Torah [ Or as Rav Nahman puts it "Torah of the Sitra Achra."] because of this problem with Torah scholar demons.

To find authentic Torah is not easy unless you just want to get the basic books yourself and learn at home. Obviously the great Litvak yeshivas of NY and also Ponovitch get the closest to the real authentic light of Torah.


The problem is that it is almost impossible to find any place to study Torah that has not been infiltrated by the Dark Side.

I met one fellow who had blue threads on his garment [tzitzis]  and and asked if that was of the Gra or Breslov. He said of the Gra. How was I surprised! [That is to say the blue thread they make in Efrat is different from the one they use in Breslov. This led to a short conversation and he suggested that it would be  a good idea to make study halls or yeshivas on the name of the Gra and Rav Shach in Israel.[That means places that would specifically go by the path of the Gra with no compromises.]
I was pleased to hear that there are people interested in the Gra besides the Silvermans in the Old City of Jerusalem.

From my point of view, it would be great to have a study hall nearby that would be going by the Gra so that I could start to learn authentic Torah. The problem is that it is almost impossible to find any place to study Torah that has not been infiltrated by the Dark Side. So to have a place nearby that would go by the Gra and Rav Shach would be for me a great joy.

[The type of blue that is use in Breslov seems to me to be not from the original Khilazon [the kind of creature that was used to make the dye], but rather the kind used by the people that go with the Gra. I had looked into this some years ago and that was my conclusion.] The Gra kind of blue thread is made from a fish. The Breslov one is not from a fish but a kin of small octopus. 


There are some commandments that are ignored.

There are some commandments that are ignored. One is honor of one's parents. Though there are plenty of cases where reason dictates that one's parents are not worthy of honor or respect because they are crazy, still there are lots of cases in which one's parents are good people and still the commandment  is ignored.

Living in Israel is another one.  The Ramban' (Nachmanides) counts it as one of the 613.
The Rambam (Maimonides) does not count it, but it might still be a branch of the command to conquer the Land of Canaan.

Bitul Torah [not learning Torah when one is able] is certainly one of the most wide spread problems.

But one that I would like to include is Physics and Metaphysics as brought by Maimonides. Somehow that opinion of the Rambam is ignored even thought it is more or less repeated by many other Rishonim.

I also have an ambition to start a place to learn Torah on the name of the Gra and Rav Shach for I feel that there is no place where one can learn Torah nowadays that is not a den of the Sitra Achra [Dark Side] .[Unless there are already places that make it their business to walk specifically in the straight path of the Gra and Rav Shach with no compromise what so ever.] The trouble is that immediately when people want to start walking on the path of Torah, that is when the Sitra Achra gets them. And gets them for keeps.

So there is a lot of things that people do that they think are mitzvot that they actually will have to repent on.

Music for the Glory of God [These are all in midi format since i could not access mp3 when they were written.]

V-54 A major

V-53 (F Major)  [New version of v-53]

V-49 F Major

V-48 E Minor

V-50 A Minor

[I apologize for the fact that i can not put this into mp3 or into orchestral form. Even the amount of time I have to write this is limited nowadays.] 


People are disappointed with Post Modern Philosophy

Some people are so disappointed with Post Modern Philosophy that they decided to go back to the Middle Ages. I am thinking mainly of Dr. Feser. And to some degree this already the approach of the Litvak Yeshiva World that recognized the superiority of thought of the Rishonim. [Mediaeval sages].
And even outside of Gemara thought the whole Musar movement was based on the idea of the superiority of the Ethic of the Rishonim.

Francis Bacon paved the way for more rigorous thought in the Natural Sciences.