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All American history is portrayed by those who hate the USA

 I like to read original historical documents or archeological evidence because i think later versions are often skewed to reflect some agenda. Thus I have a different point of view about everything in history than anything taught in schools. Examples are numerous. However sometimes that means I have only slight modifications on the accepted views and sometimes I have totally different views. An example is Columbus. The natives begged him to return and save them from the Caribbean tribes who were not nice. Another example is Cortes. He wanted peace, but kept on getting attacked three times. The fourth time was when he sent an interpreter to explain that he just wanted to be left alone; and that interpreter went to all the tribes and organized a vast army to attack Cortes. [They lost, and we still blame Cortes.] Things are never like they teach in school, and especially when you get to talk with people that were involved in an event and then see how it is portrayed in the news. see: The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect.

This is in every group-especially a group with an agenda to portray themselves in a good light. the truth is out there-but it takes digging to find it. All American history is portrayed by those who hate the USA and want to show that everything it has done has been evil. this stems mainly from the Frankfurt school