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It is an odd fact that no students of political science in any American university have been assigned to read the Constitution of the USA, although all have assigned to read the Communistic Manifesto.

 There is nothing in Torah about government except the claim of Samuel the Prophet that the fact that Israel asked for a king was extremally evil. [However, there are plenty of laws about the Sanhedrin.] 

[The law about kings is a prophet can anoint a king or the Sanhedrin. And the Sanhedrin had nothing to do with the will of the people since it required ordination (semicha from Sinai). But authentic semicha does not exist anymore. It ceased to exist during the middle of Talmudic period. But what are the powers of a king? This is an argument. The things mentioned by Samuel --the amoraim (talmudic sages) disagreed about. Some said they are legitimate powers and some say they are threats.] [anyway the Sanhedrin after the Maccabees took power was controlled by the ''zedukim''--i.e. was not legitimate [since they denied the validity of the Oral LAW].]

To me this seems like a mystery. Government has been a major question in philosophy since Plato --then dropped for about 1600 years until Hobbes and the Enlightenment which took up the question again.

I am not sure how to deal with this issue myself since I tend to agree with John Locke and James Madison and the other founding fathers of the USA. Yet, as my leaning partner David Bronson noted,--there are weak spots that the enemies of the USA have exploited to take over the government. [Gödel also saw some weak spot, but never explained what it is. Einstein stopped him from explaining it in order that Gödel could get American citizenship. (The clerk that was going to give him citizenship mentioned that what happened in Nazi Germany could never happen in the USA.  And Gödel was about to explain how that is wrong until Einstein stopped him. Nowadays, I wish Gödel had explained this because it might help to know and correct things.   )]

[A lot of my being impressed with the USA is the fact that I saw it before the radical LEFT took over the judiciary and all administrative agencies. Nowadays I would have to admit something is terribly wrong. THE ANSWER  is to have all schools teach the BIBLE, THE  CONSTITUTION OF THE USA, AND JOHN LOCKE'S TWO TREATIES OF GOVERNMENT.] It  is an odd fact that no students of political science in any American university have been assigned  to read the Constitution although all have assigned to read the Communistic Manifesto.