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 If one has merited to be in the Litvak World of Torah, it is a terrible thing to abandon that. Even though I see Rav Nachman of Breslov was a great tzadik, it is a mistake to leave the world of straight Torah. One might learn from the great advice of Rav Nachman, but Breslov is different.   

My own path into the Litvak world was philosophical interest. But modern philosophy repelled me [as it should]. So it made sense to the path that combined authentic Torah [Gra, Rav Shach, and musar. ]with reason. Reason and faith is the approach of the Rishonim and it continues in the Litvak world.

I might mention that this post is a result of many years of contemplating and seeing what happens to people that leave the Litvak Path. It never ends well.  

Reason for the Middle Ages [Saadia Gaon, Rambam, Ramban, etc..] means Plato, Aristotle. Plotinus, But this proved to have problems as noted by the early Enlightenment people like Berkeley. So arose the Rationists as opposed to the Empiricists. Each of these in turn proved problematic, so arose. Kant and a modification of Kant by Fries, Leonard Nelson and Kelley Ross.  This progression is what is hold with. --as opposed to the other modern philosophy.  

other approaches do not make sense, Robert Hanna noted the bankruptcy of Analytic Philosophy. Woke is the Frankfurt neo Marx school. Marx is wrong since the labor theory of value is wrong [even though he did not explicitly say that he was building on that theory  still it is the basis of all his work--otherwise there is no ''surplus value'' to extract. .]