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This is the Age of Disappointment. People get involved in some political or spiritual group with the best of intentions. Then discover the group is based of fraud or some kind of scam.
The good people will leave the group and spend the rest of their lives wondering what went wrong.
   Some might spend their time fighting the group after realizing it was based on lies. Other might just try to pick up the pieces of their broken lives and get on with things.

  This is different than previous generations when there were plenty of all kinds of groups with all types of strange ideas,-but (and this is a big "but") they did not lie about their basic beliefs in order to entice people.

It seems more noble to warn others and to remove the evil. But not everyone is up to that.

[I am thinking about the warning of the Gra. That is the signature on the letter of excommunication. The fact is that was ignored. But now that it is clear that he was 100% right, people ought to themselves repent, and heed his warning and even warn others.]