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I find it unlikely that the Gra would have agreed to making Torah into a shovel to dig with, a money making machine. To receive money thankfully that is offered is one thing. To demand it is another.

Even though going with the Gra I think is important, that does not mean that everything in the Litvak yeshiva world would be thought OK by him.
For example we know in Torah there is such a thing as "Hamas" חמס which is someone takes something that belongs to someone else, but then pays for it. That is to say there is a difference between giving willing as opposed to having something taken for you..
So when a religious party can force the government to give them money which is in clear violation of this Torah rule. [You can not use Torah to make a living with. Much worse is if one used Torah as an excuse to do Hamas (Violence).
The fact that the system of government is flawed in such away that allows this kind of abuse does not make it morally correct. If the form of government would make something correct the Nazi Germany would be above reproach.]

Rather, there is such a  thing as objective morality which does not depend on what people think or how they vote. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

The signature of the Gra on the letter of excommunication is also ignored and that does not make it any less valid or relevant now than it was then. People ignore it, and lose their divine souls and become demon possessed.

[A slight exception is Rav Nahman would is OK]
I find it unlikely that the Gra would have agreed to making Torah into a shovel to dig with, a money making machine. To receive money thankfully that is offered is one thing. To demand it is another.


Authentic Torah is what one gets in the path of the Gra

Authentic Torah is what one gets in the path of the Gra [Eliyahu Gaon of Villna]. This path became the basis of the Litvak Yeshiva world. But there are  areas where the Gra is ignored even there. The reason is that people tend to put feelings above thinking. So when they ignore reason because of feelings  this leads to losing real Torah. This is how the religious world today is mainly going with the Torah of the Sitra Achra. [Dark Side].
What I recommend is to stick with the path of the Gra as closely as possible. To get back to authentic Torah.
Now in the path of the Gra there are two aspects. One is fast learning and the other is in depth. This is thankfully in fact a regular part of every Litvak yeshiva. The morning hours for in-depth learning and the afternoon for fast learning. Fast learning means to get through the basic set of the Oral Torah at least once. That is the two Talmuds, and the halachic and agadic midrashim. [Sifrai, sifra, mechilta are the halachic midrashim. Midrash Raba, and Midrash Tanchuma are the midrash agada.]

The Gra also emphasized the [seven wisdoms] as the criteria for understanding Torah, That is the natural sciences. Not the pseudo sciences taught in American universities. Psychology is an example of pseudo science. Social studies are are not even that. The humanities and social studies are both pure garbage. And produce pure garbage]


Lemaitre discovered the big bang before that in 1927 but in his article in Nature wrote that time and space could only begin to exist after their were already enough quanta around to justify their existence.

Space is an odd kind of thing as Kant noticed. And Lemaitre also in 1931. Lemaitre discovered the big bang before that in 1927 but in his article in Nature wrote that time and space could only begin to exist after their were already enough quanta around to justify their existence.

You can see this in the EPR experiment that shows that time and space do not exist for particles until they are measured. [Some people think it shows non locality. But that is wrong. It might show that or that time and space do not exist before measured. But we know locality is right because of GPS satellites which are a dramatic proof of relativity.]

You can also see this in protons. Protons must know that they travel in space since they originate at some point and when they collide with something they cease. So they know they are going somewhere. But they also know they travel at the speed of light so time for them does not pass. So from their point of view they get from here to there instantly. But they also know they can not travel instantly anywhere. Even at the speed of light they still do not get anywhere instantly. Therefore from the point of view of  a proton, space does not exist. There is some sub-layer underneath space that space is superimposed on.

[ In String theory you have extra dimensions. But these dimensions are all directions of space and time. They are all coming out of a deeper level  that comes before space and time.

Rav Maasud Abuchazeira and his son Rav David.

You can see the fact that honor of one's parents is more severe than is commonly known from the rebellious son.
It is a lot easier to incur the death penalty for disobeying one's parents than people are aware of. It does not need a lot of conditions. That is you need the rebellious son to take something of his father's without permission. [That is stealing]. And then you need him to buy wine and meat. [To go shopping with the money]. Then the parents bring him to a small court of three judges and they give the son lashes. If the son does it again, they take him to the larger city court of 23 judges and they give the death penalty to the son. [Every city had a court of 23].

You can see the severity of this also in the events in the life of Rav Maasud Abuchazeira and his son David. Rav David was in fact a very great tzadik. But one day his father said something that sounded like a complaint to Rav David. Rav David asked, "Why does my father complain?" Rav Maasud, Looked at him and said "I had a great diamond, and now I have lost it." [Meaning that David had lost his great spiritual level]. Then David realized what he had done and went into exile. Then after some time he returned home and when he got to the edge of the city he began cawing on his knees until he got to his father and begged forgiveness.

However parents that are wicked are an exception. Even in the strict legal sense. Rav Shach has a section about this issue in his Avi Ezri. 


This is the Age of Disappointment. People get involved in some political or spiritual group with the best of intentions. Then discover the group is based of fraud or some kind of scam.
The good people will leave the group and spend the rest of their lives wondering what went wrong.
   Some might spend their time fighting the group after realizing it was based on lies. Other might just try to pick up the pieces of their broken lives and get on with things.

  This is different than previous generations when there were plenty of all kinds of groups with all types of strange ideas,-but (and this is a big "but") they did not lie about their basic beliefs in order to entice people.

It seems more noble to warn others and to remove the evil. But not everyone is up to that.

[I am thinking about the warning of the Gra. That is the signature on the letter of excommunication. The fact is that was ignored. But now that it is clear that he was 100% right, people ought to themselves repent, and heed his warning and even warn others.]


I am wondering during the Black Plague  in the Middle Ages, did people need to get tested to see if they had it? How can something be a deadly virus, if one needs to be tested to even see if he has it?

the values that the USA was founded on --the Bible and the Enlightenment can and will survive.

So when people go insane what does that mean? I think that it is two things. One is Hegel's dialectics. where God [Absolute Spirit] is working in the world by a kind of thesis anti thesis synthesis process. And combine that with Heidegger that Being is coming into the clearing.