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The Third Temple.

 The Third Temple is not well  understood by many people including myself. But today, I saw a book by a fellow Izhak Cohen [in a yishuv called Elad] who brings the Rashi and Ramchal on the verses in Ezekiel and does a great job in laying it all out in detail. However to actually build it would require a red cow without which there is no way of getting out of טומת מת [uncleanliness that come from touching a dead body.] [But I imagine nowadays that should be fairly easy by genetic modification]

[I admit to having read Ezekiel, and also seeing the Ramchal without having the slightest understanding until this morning when I looked at that book.]

One of the major reasons the third temple is not understood in the Mishna and Gemara talk only about the second temple. The parts of the gemara that are relevant to the third temple are only the parts about sacrifices

for some odd reason the chapters in Ezekiel which explain all about the Third Temple are almost never studied by anyone.

Of course Muslim would nor be pleased with us Jews for making a third temple, but we are in any case not winning any popularity contests in the Muslim world. Our mere existance is a thorn in their side. Christians also would not be in favor of this because the last chapters of Revelations seem to indicate a third temple that would not be for sacrifices. All the more so Paul is down on keeping the commandments of the Torah which include building a temple. However Paul anyway get into the New Testament for reasons that do not seem valid since he had no first hand information about anything that Jesus never said or did.