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My feeling about philosophy is that there were some wrong turns. Mainly I think people ought to get back to Kant, and in particular the Kantian approach of Fries and Leonard Nelson- because in that approach there is room for faith. Now while on one hand, Hegel was trying to reconcile faith and reason, but i think there he tried to make everything about reason [no limit to reason] but I do not think that works very well.

i would like to thank all the people that take the time and efforts to look at my blog. As for the subject in this entry i would like to add that it makes sense to look at the issue here in a bit more detail in the blog of Kelley Ross on the approach of Kant -Fries and Nelson. Also it is very good to look at Robert Hanna who goes into great detail where British American philosophy went wrong. As for Hegel, the political writings leave a lot to be desired but the Logic in the Encyclopedia is outstanding,--a true tour de force. In the Analytic School it is still important to look at Michael Huemer because he ties together the best of the Intuitionists like Prichard and G.E. Moore.

There are good reasons to look at Fries and Leonard Nelson because of some issues in Kant that were noticed even before the ink was dry. That led to Fichte and Schelling and then to the radical approach of Hegel. But as a sensible modification of Kant that remains in the Kantian orbit, I think Fries is the best,
And as for Huemer, my feeling is that he is not really getting into the problem that Kant faced. I think that is not my own criticism but I might have heard it before about the Intuitionist School. [ I admit I have not looked at any of this for a long time--but I am not excusing my ignorance.]