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Religious fanaticism takes up too much bandwidth. The Evil Inclination is dressed in mitzvot.

religious fantasticism takes up too much bandwidth. [note 1] Even if one manages to get to authentic Torah, still religious obsession tends to sidetrack.[note 2]

That is the reason for Torah with the way of the Earth. Torah with Derech Eretz.

{All the more so that religious fanaticism is not coupled to truth. It is an epiphenomenon of aa schizoid personality as Robert Sapolsky mentions in one of his lectures.) 

[note 1] What I mean is it leaves no room for other positive areas of value. You might be concentrating on Tosphot, which is great and important but then you might find you have no mental energy to concentrate on anything else.

[note 2] See  the LeM vol I, perek1 of Rav Nahman of Breslov and Uman,"The Evil Inclination  is dressed in mitzvot." The evil inclination does not come and says to do evil for its own sake.