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I want to suggest a connection between good character traits and mitzvahs.
The main points are the Reshash ר' שלום שרבי. To him the traits are the actual soul of a person.
The subject of the soul is contained in the Eitz Chaim of Isaac Luria is great detail. But I forgot the whole thing. But also Reb Chaim Vital goes into some detail in his Musar book Shaarai Kedushah.
His idea is that in fact there is a connection. And keeping the mitzvot brings light and sustenance to the soul.
1) Also to Reb Chaim Vital  and the Chafetz Chaim the main purpose of the mitzvas is to bring to good character traits.
2) But in theory good character and mitzvas might be completely separate. You could in theory have someone keeping all the mitzvas with 100% perfection and have  bad character.[This is well known from the Ramban about מנובל ברשות התורה]
3) This fits well with the Rambam that the purpose of mitzvas is divided into several sub categories, one of which is in fact to bring to good character.
Character here means what men want from other men--to be a man. That is,-- to be someone you can trust in an emergency. When the chips are down and you are with a small group of men fighting for survival, then good character means someone loyal and trustworthy and has the skills that contribute to the group. If you put him on  watch to guard the perimeter to guard from other groups of men that want what you have,- you don't want him sleeping on the job. Character in terms of women means a wife you can trust. Not someone who will betray you for gain-- unlike the vast majority of women today.