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I know that kabalah in general considered related to the Neo-Platonic point of view, but I found my own experiences were more in accord with the school of thought of Kelly Ross and the Freisians.]

I know many people are interested in spirituality. This desire can be channeled into crummy world view systems .
Personally, I went more for The Five Books of Moses and Talmud. But that was simply because I had and have an inherent love of Torah. [This was something I really did not get from my Reform Synagogue. It was more a combination of the influence of my wonderful amazing parents and also a great love of philosophy.] I was not expecting any great revelation of light or Divine experiences.

 I have seen many of the Kabalists in Israel, and for some reason - it does seem to me that most of them got caught up in the phantom  zone [the "Intermediate Zone" [in the terminology of a Hindu mystic.] [Or the Sitra Achra itself.]