The way I recommend doing Gemara is to do every day a 1/2 daf [i.e., one whole side of a page] with Rashi, Tosfot, Maharsha and Maharam of Lublin. The way to do the daf itself would be with two fingers--one on the words of the Gemara and the other finger on the Rashi--and thus go through that entire half page with the Gemara and Rashi together and then the Tosphot. If possible to add the Pnei Yehoshua and Aruch Laner.
Belief in God is rational. Everything has a cause. So unless there is a first cause, then you would have an infinite regress. And then nothing could exist. Therefore there must be a first cause. Therefore God, the first cause, exists. QED.
The main characteristic of Rome is the balance between the patricians and the plebeians, SPQR
The way that I understand the modern world is a a repeat of the conflict between Athens, Sparta, and Rome. To me the USA always looked like Athens--democracy, individual rights. The USSR always seemed to be some kind of modern version of Sparta--community is everything and warlike. And the analogy can be stretched far. Just like Athens used to push it's weight around to build up an Athenian empire, so does the USA. That was until Sparta knocked it down [with the help of most of Greece, not alone.]. But it did not take long until Sparta itself fell, and both became part of the Roman Empire. [That was not immediate. Sparta was first conquered by Macedon which later was conquered by Rome.] What was unique about Rome? The main characteristic of Rome is the balance between the patricians and the plebeians, SPQR. The senate and the people of Rome.
[Even though the landowning class of the patricians were the only people that could be part of the senate, still they needed to be voted in by vote of the people. No one could hold any public office without being voted in by majority of the people.]
My son Izhak held with learning in depth but also fast learning,--- that is fast learning in the sense of Rav Nahman of Breslov --to just say the words and go on. Even though I only heard Izhak state the importance of in depth learning--i.e with lots of review and deep understanding, he also held with the general principles of Rav Nahman which certainly includes fast learning. And I do nor mean this to apply to learning gemara only but also to mathematics and physics. [we know that these are also important a stated openly in the Rambam--in the Yad Hachazah [Mishne Torah] and in his other writings.] but some will complain that not everyone has the math gene--but so what? We do not say that everyone is talented in understanding the Gemara, and yet everyone is obligated to learn and finish the Oral and Written Torah at least once. Learning Torah is a commandment that applies to everyone as the Rambam puts it, '' young or old, even until the day of death..'' This mitzvah has nothing to do with how smart one is. So also for math and physics and all the seven wisdoms that the Gra and Rambam and other Rishonim hold are obligatory.
The ancient Greeks understood that there is a deep connection between truth and beauty. From that insight one can see that trying towards truth is like a Mozartian symphony where every member of the orchestra plays his or her part. But each one needs to play his part alone --and know his place. The violinist ought not to play the part of the cello or piano. That would be as if in an army, the person standing watch would desert his post and try to fulfill the part of a general. Even if he might be a good general in other circumstances, but still he has deserted his post [and by that cause the city to fall.]. Even on a religious scale we can see how there should be an awareness of this point. Torah has a good point --monotheism. Christians have a good point about kindness. The Torah is also right about law. Where things go wrong is when the violinist goes over to the French horn section and decides that he can play the French horn better that those in the wind section. Or things can go wrong when one is not following the score. Or people on the outside imply try to interrupt or play music of the dark side [as most music is nowadays.]
And in the search for truth enlightenment philosophers also played an important role. While on one hand the middle ages were aware of the need for both reason and faith, still the development of both was needed. Even though Plato Aristotle and Plotinus had gone far in the realm of reason, still a lot was missed and there needed to be Kant to begin to resolve the mind body problem,
אני רוצה להציע שהכל על איסור
"אל תוסיף" סובב סביב המשנה שאלו המצוות שאין להן גבול. יש מצוות שברגע
שעשה אותן הן נעשו ואסור להוסיף. יש עוד מצוות כמו לימוד תורה שאין להן גבול עליון
ולכן ככל שעושים אותן יותר טוב
משום מה זה לא מה שהתוספות אומרים. הם אומרים שאפשר לעשות שוב אפילו מצווה שקיימה.
אני לא יודע למה תוספות לא עושות את ההבחנה הפשוטה הזו. בפרט לאחר שהגמרא עצמו
נראה רומז לכך כששואלים בסוכה דף כ''ח למה זה שאם ישן בסוכה ביום של שמיני אצרת
אינו מקבל מלקות?
Gemara in Bava Batra 127. Rav Shach brings a question on the Ramban.
שך מחזיק שלאדם הגוסס אין מודעות ולכן הוא לא יכול לגרום למשהו להירכש כפי שקורה
אצל קטן או חירש או לא שפוי. אבל אם כן איך הוא יכול להיות מסוגל לרכוש כשהוא גוסס?
יודע ש קטן יכול לרכוש ולא לגרום למשהו להירכש, אבל השאלה שלי מבוססת על העובדה שרב
שך אומר שלאדם גוסס אין שום דעת כמו אדם משוגע או חירש.
שך אומר שקטין (או לא שפוי או חירש) אינו יכול להחזיק בשום דבר ולא לגרום לשום דבר
להיות בבעלות כי הם מתבטלים על ידי פסוק ''איש'' לא אדם קטין. לא בגלל שאין להם
מודעות.. אבל אם כן אז למה שאדם הגוסס לא יוכל לרכוש או לגרום לרכישה מלכתחילה?
שהרי הגמרא אומר שצריך יכיר לאדם גוסס שלא יוכל לגרום לרכישת משהו.