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halacha/[Jewish law].Thus when religious leaders are in charge, the society they create is a nightmare

Even though halacha/[Jewish law] is important, there is the flaw that Rav Nachman [Breslov] point out. That flaw is Torah scholars that are demons. [Le.M I;12 I:28] [He bring this from the Talmud]. Thus when religious leaders are in charge, the society they create is a nightmare. But that is not a flaw in halacha but in people. For there is no system that can not be subverted. The reason is that no matter what the system is, people will find a way to mess it up.

[The English-American form of government  maximizes freedom, but is being destroyed from with-in. ]


The Importance of Land of Israel and the State of Israel

 Being in the Land of Israel is important because of the verse Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 9 which says to do all the commandments of God in order to come to the land and when you are in the land to stay --;'' that you shall have length of days in the land...'

And the anti Israel religious world does not have a legal leg to stand on.  Both Reb Moshe (Feinstein) and Rav Aaron Kotler said: "דינא דמלכותא דינא" the law of the land is the law which means that the State of Israel has the legal (halachic) category of a legitimate state. And the Rav of Satmer (his entire book) is based on one midrash. and midrash  has no halachic validity.

And besides that, Rav Joel of Satmer ignored the League of Nations. 

The midrash  is- "If you go up to the Land as a wall, I will allow your blood to be spilled like the deer of the field''

People did not come to Israel against the will of the nations as the Rav of Satmer had claimed, they came with the will of the nations. Herzel negotiated with the sultan as long as he was in power. The Rothchild's legitimately bought land in Israel from the Ottoman Empire at extremely inflated prices. --In today's currency, that was hundreds of million of dollars. When the empire of the Sultan fell, the League of Nations declared the land of Israel to be for the Jews.

That, at the time, meant all the land of Israel and Jordan. Then they cut it in half. They said in the later "White Paper" that only half would go to the Jews. But there was no time at which they decided that none of Israel would be for the Jews. So the thesis  of Rav Joel simply has no halachic validity. 


It is important to know this because the importance of Israel is not well known 

 I  see the world sleep walk into WWIII. and i can not see how anyone can win. but no one listens to me. so i think the best I or anyone can do to help save mankind from disaster is to learn Torah in depth.  But sadly, while I see that some people  learn Torah, it is mixed with the cyanide of the sitra achra [dark side] that the Gra saw is Torah of the kelipot [Torah scholars that are demons]and therefore put into herem [excommunication].


Argument between Jacob Fries and Hegel

 The main argument between Jacob Fries and Hegel is about how to get beyond Kant's iron wall between ''what's out there'' and what is ''in here''. To Fries this is by immediate knowledge which does not come through reasoning through any principles nor any senses. [This includes space and time which to Kant are synthetic a priori. ] To Hegel this is by the dialectic process of what is commonly known from Kant's phrase thesis anti thesis synthesis.

To a large degree, Kant was taken in by Hume who limited pure reason to detecting contradictions in concepts. He repeats this limitation often enough but strangely just assumes it from his experience from teaching Euclid. but that is not to say that there i no difference in types of reasoning from unpacking definitions to reasonable assumptions. 


בירושלמי בפאה פרק ב' משנה ה. רב שך על הרמב''ם מתנות עניים פרק ב' הלכה י''א Yerushalmi in Peah chap 2 Mishna 5

ideas in shas

ideas in Bava Metzia

 I was at the sea again, and it occurred to me on the way back that there is something hard to figure in the Yerushalmi in Peah chapter 2, Mishna 5. My question is this. Let us say one cuts down the whole field up until the one part of sixty (that he is supposed to leave  as peah ("corner of the field"). Then he cuts one more stalk. Then the Yerushalmi says the obligation of peah goes on the fifty nine of sixty. Why could he not still give peah from the one part of sixty (1/60 part) anyway? The reason  is supposed to be that now it is obligated in truma and maassar. But it was anyway obligated in truma and maasar!?

Could it be then that the Yerushalmi considers the measure of one part in sixty to be from the Torah?


  There is something hard to figure out in the ירושלמי in פאה פרק ב  משנה ה. My question is this. Let us say one cuts down the whole field up until the one part of sixty (that he is supposed to leave  as פאה). Then he cuts one more stalk. Then the ירושלמי says the obligation of פאה goes on the fifty nine of sixty. Why could he not still give פאה from the one part of sixty  anyway? The reason  is supposed to be that now it is obligated in תרומה and מעשר. But it was anyway obligated in תרומה and  מעשר!? Could it be then that the ירושלמי considers the measure of one part in sixty to be דאורייתא?

בירושלמי בפאה פרק ב' משנה ה.

רב שך על הרמב''ם מתנות עניים פרק ב' הלכה י''א

יש משהו שקשה להבין בירושלמי בפאה פרק ב' משנה ה'. השאלה שלי היא כזו. נגיד אחד כורת את כל השדה עד החלק האחד משישים (שהוא אמור לעזוב כפאה). ואז הוא חותך עוד גבעול אחד. ואז הירושלמי אומר שחובת פאה הולכת על החמישים ותשע מתוך שישים. למה בכל זאת הוא לא יכול לתת פאה מהחלק האחד משישים? הסיבה אמורה להיות שעכשיו זה חייב בתרומה ובמעשר. אבל ממילא היה חייב בתרומה ובמעשר.האם יכול להיות אם כן שהירושלמי מחשיב את המידה של חלק אחד משישים דאורייתא


 One girl said to me at the beach that everything depends on from whom you learn. This was prompted by another girl saying she was majoring in criminology and gender studies where upon I explained about the Frankfurt School and the roots of woke and gender ideology. The students listening had never heard  any of that. They had thought gender stuff  had emerged full grown like Athena from the forehead of Zeus. To locate the flaws in any system, it helps to  identify the underlying and hidden assumptions. [For example one major [unstated] assumption in Marx is the labor theory of value. Take that away and the whole structure falls. You can not extract "excess value" is there is no "excess value", only market value.

I do not recommend learning the left-Hegelians and Marxists but it just happened that I picked up some knowledge of this just by reading Hegel and his defenders and retractors  


  My son Izhak held with the idea of learning in depth [also with fast learning--saying the words in order and going on but the to go back over that chapter many times.] ], and this message was conveyed to me by the Litvak world over the years, but it was not until recently I have taken this advice seriously [But there were some periods when I did more than ''just saying the words and going on.''] 

However, whether in learning Gemara Tosphot or the Achronim like Rav Chaim of Brisk, Rav Shach or in Math and Physics, I am hoping to in fact concentrate on לימוד בעיון learning in depth. [But I ought to add that this is not meant to diminish the importance of  ''bekiut'' fast learning--i.e. saying the words in order and going on.  This complements the learning in depth. In the Litvak world this is understood in such a way that the morning hours are set for in depth learning and the afternoon hours are set for fast learning. ]


I also hope to print a few copies of my little booklet on Shas that my son helped me to write.