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Is China behind it? To me it seems unclear. I was convinced for years that the KGB at least had a hand in the riots of the 1960's. And later that became clear with the defection of Bezmenov [See Bezmenov utube]

I can imagine China is doing the same thing about trying to bring down the USA. But I highly doubt if they are doing it in the same ways.
[If Russia has to get a sample of sand from an American beach they would send in a commando Spetsnaz unit by submarine and commandeer the beach while gathering some sand. The China would send in a thousand tourists and each one would pick up one grain of sand and bring it back to China. That is probably how China is now dealing with the USA. But just like a friend of mine who was a KGB agent told me, (according to him at any rate) the KGB simply did not have the resources that would have been needed to subvert the entire USA in the 1960's/ It had to be Americans doing it to Americans. It seems the same nowadays. People have been so indoctrinated in Communists values in American public schools and colleges that they are simply taking the next logical step.

What Americans do right now I think has a lot to do with how the future will look. For one thing American might stand up to the mob. They might get armed and packing. They might refuse the Tyranny of Antifa. Or they might go down as sheep. Wear the masks. Obey the tyranny. I think a lot will depend if Americans are willing to accept tyranny.

You can't say, "I can't breath" without breathing. Just try it. It is a physical impossibility. Air must be going through the vocal chords for them to work.

Floyd  did not suffocate, he was talking (you can't say "I can't breath" without breathing) up until the moment his damaged heart, further impacted by massive doses of meth and fentanyl, gave out from stress, likely the stress of his resisting arrest.


The Middle Ages had one main problem to solve. The relation between faith and reason. And a sub area was free will. [There also was the issue of the relation between religion and government.]
The free will issue comes up in the Rambam and Raavad in Laws of Repentance.

Though Kant, Hegel and Leonard Nelson do not deal with this directly, their insights can shed light on the issue of free will.

One thing that I noted is that knowledge does not cause events. Rather knowledge is a result of something. [At least in my naive way of looking at things.] I see a blue desk so then I know there is a blue desk. [Someone must have painted it blue.] So the fact that God knows if one will be righteous or not does not cause the person to be righteous. Knowledge is different than being. It is a result of being. But with God, with "logos" the order is different. His knowledge comes first and then being. But still that knowledge --in order to be knowledge, in any sense of the word, can not force a thing to be so. It has to be a result of the thing being so.


Blue Lives Matter. [I.e the police.]

These attacks on the police are not peaceful. They are attempts at provoking violence. And they ought to be persecuted under obstruction of a policeman in the fulfillment of his job.

General Lee

As for General Lee, I think he ought to be honored because the South and North were fighting for truth and justice, but disagreeing about how that would be applied at that time. . The South had a right to leave the union since nothing in the Constitution says that once signed no state could leave. There could have been a clause like that but there was not.
[If it had gone to the Supreme Court, there would have been no war. And in fact the president of the Confederacy asked to be tried as a traitor. He knew that the courts could decide one way, or the other; and then everyone would simply have to abide by their ruling.

Dr. Kelley Ross also wrote that clearly the South had a right to leave the Union, but that they choose the worst possible issue to do it over.

[And I even wonder if the Union had a right to outlaw slavery. That is, even if it had been legitimate as a constitutional amendment approved with the willing vote of the states. The reason is that the federal government had enumerated powers.  Taxes, yes. But not simply to declare law and certainly not to declare war  without Congress. [To preserve the Union might be a worthy ideal, but where in the Constitution is that given to the Federal government  in any sense? The idea itself is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. Can a husband murder his wife if she demands to leave their union?

So clearly Jesus was what you would call Caucasian.

I do not recall which book off hand, but I recall reading in some book of ancient history that the peoples around the Mediterranean sea were white and blue eyes. Specially the Greeks.
[I do not recall if it was Herodotus or Thucydides's Peloponnese War. Or maybe some general history written by some Romans. It was so long ago I do not recall where I saw this.] In the Mishna it says openly that Israel are not dark nor albino, but medium. I.e probably along the lines of what your see in Iranians today. [I also don't recall where in the Mishna. Maybe it was in Nedarim.] And that makes sense, since after all Israel did originally come from Iraq [Mesopotamia]. So clearly Jesus was what you would call Caucasian.
[In the movie Alexander the Great you see the ancient Greeks shown as white Caucasian. Thought that is no proof, still it in fact is exactly what was recorded in ancient history. But my reading of ancient history was a long time ago. So where I saw this could have been almost any ancient source.]
[Besides this there are plenty of murals that show Romans as white. And in the Egyptian pyramids all the pictures there showing the ancient Egyptians show them as being white. Later invasions changed things, but that is how people are the Mediterranean Sea looked then.