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 Even though I hold that the basic absolute Litvak path is correct and important, there are some issues where I disagree.  I..e. the Land of Israel, the State  of Israel, the approach to Rav Nahman, the calendar, the herem of the Gra.

Sitting in kollel

(1) Living in Israel is important as stated by all rishonim.

(2) the state of Israel also is important.

(3) Rav Nahman was an important tzadik-- but the insane world of Breslov is  different story, [and most of his advice is good and true, but some of it was given to individual people and not meant for everyone.]

(4)  The herem of the Gra is certainly still valid. but due to my reading of the several herems that were issued in Villna, I do not think they apply to Rav Nahman.

(5) The calendar was never instituted by Hillel II. If it had been, why would the Gemara have been silent about it?

(6) Kollel is a hard issue to determine.  My own path goes with the opinion that one should learn Physics and Math and make a living doing that. But those that learn Torah all day in the great Litvak Yeshivot are also doing well.