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There is an idea you see a few times in Tehilim [psalms] of searching out the works of God. [E.g psalm105.] This corresponds to what some rishonim wrote about the importance of learning Physics and Metaphysics.  This was an issue at the Mir. It was not thought to be proper to be at the Mir and also to go to university. In one way the Mir was right. Most of what is taught in universities is pseudo science. But not everything. If they would stick with the natural sciences that would be great. Allan Bloom wrote in the Closing of the American Mind the problems with the departments outside of STEM.

[Even though when Ibn Pakuda and other rishonim emphasized Metaphysics their intension was concerning Aristotle still I think you have to count Kant, Hegel, and Leonard Nelson [i.e. that particular post Kant approach.] Physics I think means String Theory, but that would include some of the background behind it like Algebra and Topology.]