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Another important aspect of trust in God is the idea that God runs the world. Not just that He created it. But it is not the idea that you get what you want or even your needs.
If you look into the verses that discuss trust in God you see the theme is that when "you trust in God kindness surrounds you", though you might not recognize it as kindness.

Psalms 32 "He who trusts in God, kindness surrounds him". "Blessed is the man that trusts in God and God is his source of trust" [Jeremiah]. And many other verses saying the same idea.

So it is clear that trust in God is not just saying "What God wants is what will happen" or being dependent of the Divine Decree. Rather the idea is there is  a certain kind of protection that is drawn on one who trusts in God. But is is certainly not that he gets what he wants.

[I think the idea of trust in God has gone down in public awareness in recent years. Rav Nahman of Uman and Breslov did mentioned faith a lot but not so much about trust. I can see the reason for that. You do not want so much trust such that when you do not get what you wanted that your faith also is shaken. However still trust in a different thing and just as important. However it is hard to know for me how to deal with it.]

[The way I think of improving one's level of trust in God is to say over to oneself those few paragraphs about trust from the Gra that the Madragat HaAdam brings right at the beginning of Shaar HaBitachon right when one gets up in the morning. Right when you open your eyes.]