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everything that goes on in the religious world is invalid. So while on one hand, there is a point about Fear of God and Learning Torah and Musar. But you do not want your efforts side tracked.

When one adds to a commandment that has an amount then the fulfillment commandment  is nullified. That is to everyone. But lets say one takes of the addition? Then does the first one remain valid?
See Rav Shach in the start of Laws of the Blue Thread [Tzitzit]. [That comes from a paragraph in the Book of Numbers].
To Rashi and Tosphot and the Raavad -if one has added another blue thread to his four cornered garment (which transgresses the command, "Do not add nor subtract from these commandments") Then obviously he can not wear the garment. However what happens if he cuts off the extra one? To Rashi and Tosphot it is OK. To the Rambam the adding makes it all invalid.

This shows that pretty much everything that goes on in the religious world is invalid. because of the constant adding to the commandments, the result is that nothing they do is valid. The adding nullifying even what might have otherwise been acceptable. 

So what I do is to avoid the religious completely. I figure I can not tell who really is a Torah scholar that is  a demon as Rav Nahman warned us about. So I simply avoid them all.