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One thing Schopenhauer was right about that Freud picked up, the centrality of sex.

One thing Schopenhauer was right about that Freud picked up, the centrality of sex.
So I wanted to relate a story of  that relates to this. There was a girl (the daughter of a good king) that some evil king desired. And with the amount of resources at the bidding of a king he was able to convince her to be his wife.
Then he had a dream that she would kill him. He did not know what to do. To keep her at his side was too dangerous. To send her away was even more dangerous. To kill her he did not want to do after all the effort he had spent on getting her. In the meantime the love between them got cold. And she too began to hate him. She ran away. He sent people to search for her and she was found by a palace of water. Everything there was made of water, the roof and furniture, etc. She could not go in because clearly anyone going into this palace would drown. The king came with his army to capture her. When she saw this she decided to risk going into the palace even the risk of drowning. When the king saw this at that point he was so frustrated he said they should shoot her rather than let her escape. And he and his army ran after her, and they were all drowned.
She had been hit by ten arrows smeared with poison. But she managed to get into the inner part of the palace and there she laid, sick and wounded.
And who can heal her? Only one who can get into the palace, and take out the arrows and sing the right songs that bring healing.

And that is the reason after one has done something wrong sexually he or she should go to  a natural body of water and say these ten psalms from Biblical book of Psalms 16, 32,41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150. These psalms contain the ten songs that can heal the daughter of the good king.

The idea here is that everything people do has significance. That is to say materialism is wrong. There are aspects of the world that are not material. Plato called them universals. An example is the number two. This is not something you can bump into as you walk down the street. Nevertheless  it exists. Yellow is another example of a universal. We know yellow exists, because yellow is a color. The truth that yellow is a color depends on yellow existing. Therefore yellow exists. Morality is also a universal like yellow. Even though it is not material. And sexuality is the center of all human relationships. If anything humans do has a moral sub-layer to it it most certainly is sex.