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I sometimes see things in Hegel that impress me and sometimes not.

  I sometimes see things in Hegel that impress me and sometimes not. One of the things that I noticed recently was his triadic system. Normally I would just dismiss this as mere speculation. Then it occurred to me that he assumes this triadic system as being a part of the metaphysical nature of the world. And that is what we see in triangulated categories.

  You get one triangle of categories--the normal result of diagram chasing- and then you bring it to the next level up. It is a system remarkably like Hegel.

  You have to understand Hegel, Schopenhauer in relation to Kant as people understand Aristotle in the context of Plato.

  Schopenhauer also had an insight that becomes clear in the light of physics.
In the world as will and representation he considered the will as the cause of everything--the thing in itself. this is inaccessible to us. but the world is the representation of this will, the dinge an sich. we do find the world as a hologram. I am sure Plato would be pleased .
[The holographic  aspect of the world is what Plato meant by the story of the cave.
See String Theory--in which a black hole and the universe is a hologram.
The idea comes from the idea that information is not lost. Information is turning out to be the most fundamental unit of Physics. And where is that information? It is in the Divine mind [see Plotinus]. The universe is expanding in a way that indicates it is being fed space, and that the event horizon of the universe beyond is is not possible to observe. And that that horizon itself is a holographic projection of what lies beyond it.]

[I don't mean this literally. The string theory hologram is horizontal. Plato's is vertical]