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tyranny of the proletariat, or of the modern substitute for the proletariat--blacks and queer

 The world is divided between John Locke's liberalism [individual right, individual freedom] against the modern versions of Marxism [tyranny of the proletariat, or of the modern substitute for the proletariat--blacks and queer. ]

The way out of this mess is the mediaeval formula: faith with reason. Sinai and Athens.

But Athens has some problems, so instead I suggest the Kant-Friesian School of Leonard Nelson and Kelley Ross. And Sinai and faith also are prone to abuse, so I suggest and emphasis on the Gra and Rav Israel Salanter and Musar.

But how to go about walking the path of the Gra when the whole religious world ha been infiltered by the Dark Side? That I do not know except to try to keep Torah as an individual and avoid the religious.

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''The law of the country is the law'' Bava Batra [circa 35] does not mean in a case where it contradicts Torah. So women that get a divorce and then use that as a weapon to bankrupt their x's are violating Torah. Furthermore, they  transgress גונב נפש ומכרו מות יומת ["One who steals a soul and sells it shall be put to death."] when they use the court to take the children.  And the lashon hara [slander] that they engage in forever after has no conceivable permission. [However, there are times when speaking negatively is ok e.g., when one needs to warn someone not to be around a friend who is having an evil influence.]  

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High on my list of precautions would be to avoid stupid places, hanging out with stupid people, and doing stupid things. This alone can spare you a world of grief.

 see this link to self defense.


 There is a great lesson to learn from Henry II. He did not repent because of religious leanings. Rather he realized that things were going terribly wrong in his life. Everything. [His kingdom was being invaded by the king of Scotland.  His own family was offering England to the king of France.]  At some point it occurred to him that the cause was not this rational explanation or the other. It was just one thing--the murder of Thomas Becket. And so he made his way barefoot and blooded to the cathedral and the grave of Becket, and had the monks beat the living daylights out of him. Five lashes given by each of the hundred monks. 

The very next day word came to him that the king of Scotland had been captured.