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introspection of one's self can cause insanity. I think Rav Eliezer Shick must have been aware to some degree of the problems involved with התבודדות.

I think Rav Eliezer Shick must have been aware to some degree of the problems involved with התבודדות. (That is a practice of talking with God in one's own language. This might include prayer but most often simply means talking about one's problems.) One thing you can easily see in his writings is the idea of unifications of the Ari.[[Issac Luria]]
So even if he did not say so openly his must have been aware that introspection of one's self can cause insanity.

That is he certainly saw the importance of prayer and talking to God in one's own language and asking him for help and thanking him for his blessings.  Still there is the danger of just talking with God as a friend can get to be just going on and on about one's miserableness and state of affairs.

And besides that he had been learning the Ari. So at some point he realized the unifications of the Ari were just the thing to be doing while spending time with God as a kind of Dekakut [attachment with God in fulfillment of the verse ולדבקה בו].

This seems to me to be an important point. In fact I had been looking at the Ari [Issac Luria] for some time before I got to Israel but did not see how unifications were practical.  So Rav Shick's approach to this was an eye opener for me and that is in fact what I spent a lot of time doing In Safed.

Still I should mention I am not overly impressed with Rav Shick. To some degree, I see him as setting a stumbling block in front of people. Going into places where people were learning Torah and getting them involved in the books of Reb Nachman had the effect of getting people to throw away their Gemaras and stop seeing learning Torah as the highest ideal. Plus many  many other problems that came along with the whole business, Still from Rav Shick's approach I learned some very important lessons.


Note 1: Unifications is a subject that comes up mainly in שער רוח הקודש. You really do not see it in the עץ חיים itself of the Ari except as simply giving over the different Divine names that are in the interior of each world. And  even that he does not get into until Volume II of the עץ חיים.
In any case what Rav Shick noticed in the book of Reb Nachman in Vol I ch 2 was a hint to a simple way of doing unifications. Reb Nachman simply  mentioned the 686 lights  (תרפו אורות).
Rav Shick realize at that point that simply concentrating on the 686 lights was easy to remember and also provided a way to be thinking about God all the time without the general problem of moaning and groaning about one's problems that even when done in talking with God generally causes a kind of insanity.

Note 2: In short the 686 lights are these:

יוד הי ויו הי

יוד הי ואו הי

יוד הא ואו הא

יוד הה וו הה

אלף הי יוד הי

אלף הא יוד הא

אלף הה יוד הה


The Lithuanian Yeshiva world is asleep

The Lithuanian Yeshiva world is asleep during a time it needs to be the most alert; the following blog will begin by tracing how the yeshiva world has been lulled into this stupor. The Sitra Achra Dark Side poison has devastatingly seeped into most of our yeshivot today. 
In the mid to late 1960's, there were profound changes taking place in America - changes to our social, political, and spiritual institutions. The entire cultural landscape was in upheaval. All the old assumptions, i.e., the Western-rational, science-based understanding of the universe and our understanding of social relationships were challenged and discarded by the "elite." There was a concentrated assault on our moral base and on the concept of morality itself. 
Relativism was the moral philosophy du jour. Consciousness was being expanded and "raised" by the use of hallucinogenic drugs and forays into the Occult and Eastern Mysticism. This attitude of experimentation was transferred into the yeshivas as many of the young  came from the counterculture and brought with them many of the drug and Eastern mystic-induced "revelations" with them. 
This was a time when all institutions and their foundational truths were challenged and if possible changed. The yeshiva leadership was profoundly influenced by the incursion of psychology and the occult with their  claim to superior knowledge, while the groups from primarily the occult embraced and mentored these young radicals. The religious teachers found in the new infusion of radical, social, political and spiritual concepts of these young people a fertile field in which to plow their aberrant occult, and to produce a harvest of very strange fruit - fruit that was not Torah in its origin or in its outcome. They eventually came to fill the leading post in synagogues of many of the mainstream groups. 
As our society had become more permissive and tolerant, so were these attitudes introduced into the yeshivot. Many in the  movements had already experienced this permissiveness and tolerance of a "low-view" of Torah and tradition and had the obvious signs of heresy and lack of sound Torah teaching. The other more traditional denominations maintained a veneer of Torah. However, the inoculation against the truth had come in through the "Trojan Horse" of psychology, permitting every deviancy the counterculture had, challenging  Torah and orthopraxy. 
They did this in the name of science and with the blessing of virtually every yeshiva leader in America. The seeds of the lie were planted deep within the soil of the yeshivas, the satanic seed of deception, being watered and cared for by the very ones that were looked to as the leaders of God's flock. The false shepherds of the flock of God tended the garden of הסטרא אחרא the Dark Side in the full view of the people  and were never challenged. As God has said in the נביאים ,Woe unto those shepherds... ".
With this change of paradigm from a Torah based understanding of man and his condition to a pseudo-scientific understanding (really nothing more than a rationalization which is all that psychology is), came the acceptance of every type of experience into the yeshivas. Because all sources of "truth" were being taught as equal, why not accept those that could only be found in the Occult and Eastern Mysticism as being as valid as any other source of truth? 
Marriage today is undergoing some kind of strange transformation

 I have no advice but I just wanted to mention that when my wife left me I found it helpful to be very careful  never to say a negative word about her to anyone. Since I knew I was going into a period of tremendous turmoil I also found it useful to find one core principle to stick with at all cost and that was to tell the truth always under all circumstances. These two ideas I believed helped me get through the problems..


Anything to do with Kabalah today is coming from the Sitra Achra [the Dark Side].

I see there is critique on Kabalah. Some consider it Occult. Which is true for much of it, and certainly for all modern day people that indulge in it. It surprised me when I found this modern attitude in people that were interested in Kabalah. Where it comes from is easy to see. People are interested in the deeper meaning of the Torah, and then the subtle hints and promises of secret powers gets to them.

[I meant to get into this subject in more depth, but did not get a chance. In any case, I could have to agree with the critique that almost anything to do with Kabalah nowadays is basically coming from the Sitra Achra. ]

Critics typically do not differentiate between types of Kabalah when they are including it in the category of Occult. They are certainly right for the critique on Occult practices. However I must distinguish between what they are criticizing and the Ari (Isaac Luria).

In fact the very word used for Kabalah in the yeshiva world refers to only the Zohar, the Remak, and the Ari. These is not the same things that the critics are criticizing.

There is however a kind of grey area in which even legitimate kabalah gets into the wrong energies.

In  essence the Ari,  Remak, Zohar, Rav Avraham Abulafia are giving a mystic view of the Torah, not advocating occult or magic practices

Later groups supposedly going with the Kabalah  however are defilement from the dark side.

 In the realm of witchcraft and the occult, and there are profound scriptural warnings not to remember them or to be "a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer" (Deut. 18:11). 

The Jewish orthodox world also believes in the blending of psychology and Torah as if the Torah was not enough. They think the Torah says, "I have placed the good and the truth, Jung and Freud before you this day." And "These are the modern theories of psychology by which a man will live by them."

The Sitra Achra [Dark Side]  goal is ultimately to lead to worldwide demon possession.

The default position of American youth is "No one can tell me what to do." This is stated as an obvious axiom although there is nothing obvious about it.
It is hard to know what it means. Does it mean no one has the right to tell him what to do.

Imagine a recruit in the Army. That thinks he knows best how to take a rifle apart and clean it. He is taking twenty minutes and still has not figured it out.

The instructor comes over and shows him his mistake. The recruit says to the instructor  "No one can tell me what to think." How is this defensible?

Or you have a cash register worker with sticky fingers. At the end of the day  money is missing. The store owner asks him about it. He answers "No one can tell me what to do."

Even if one is alone, no one is alone. One's parents have something invested in him. Many parents care very deeply about their children. And in any case no one is alone. Everyone one lives in some groups and everything he does or does not do affects others.Imagine a world with no traffic rules. No one would be safe.

You can have someone walking in front of a moving car and he keeps on walking straight at the car and the car keeps coming expecting him to  move  of the way. They get within about 20 inches of missing. You tell the fellow, "Don't walk in front of a moving car." He answers "No one can tell me what to do." I am not exaggerating. This is how ingrained this attitude is today.