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 I was in Breslov Na Nach and opened The Life Of Rav Nahman where I read that he said the famous religious leaders of his time did not know Torah so they had to compensate with their show of religiosity. There is a point to this that you can see nowadays  that the real Torah scholars that sit and learn Torah all day in the Mir and Ponovitch are completely unknown. 

I mentioned this later in Bresslov and it wa pointed out to me the several torah lessons that rav nahman said to warn to stay away from the famous religious leaders מםורסמים של שקר

 I wanted to mention that the situation in Ukraine is different than that of Taiwan. Ukraine was a province of Russia ever since they decided to be under the Russian Tzar Alexei. That i it has been a part of Russia for more than 300 years. Taiwan was never a part of China.

But there i something more to it than that. Ukraine tends to have a lot of people that would rather be under Russian rule a I found out to my great surprise when I lived there for many years and very often asked people what they thought of the present rule from Kiev as opposed to rule from Moscow.   But no one in Taiwan wants to be be under the boots of China--especially after they saw what happened in Hong Kong.


 i am finding it hard to go through the basic set of learning that one is supposed to do. More or less that is the two talmuds and the midrahim. So even though some yeshivot are not up to par I would like to recommend having a place in every city for people to do the learning. Maybe in the merit of recommending to others the importance of getting through Shas, perhaps  little of that merit might  stick with me.


Samuel [Shmuel] the Prophet made it very clear to Israel that their asking  for king was against God's will. This is curious since in the Torah one of the commandment is to make a king.  Though I have heard one answer that they said "a king like the other nations" but so what? The Torah also makes the same sort of reference,  John Locke suggested a king meant the head of the military and he shows proofs of this. One answer that makes sense is the command to make a king in the Torah would be after the whole land of Israel would be conquered. In any case, it does not say how the king would be chosen. Thoughit was through the prophet or sanhedrin I wonder about voting.


אספר כל נפאותיך psalm 105. [''I will say over all of Your works.''] Is not the Universe the work of God? Since it is, saying over the Physics and Mathematics that describe it, is  saying over the workss of God. You see this idea in the Rambam and other Rishonim like Ibn Pakuda. In the Rambam you see this in the story of the King where the scholars of Talmud axe outside his palace nd the Physicists are inside. [That is at the end of one of the volumes of the Guide for the Perplexed--but I forget which volume. I think after vol. III or IV.]


to understand Christianity

I spent a good deal of time trying to understand Christianity and my basic impression is that there are different opinions in the four gospels about who Jesus was.  But at no  point did he claim to be God. Being a son of God is not the same thing as God. Saying  to Pontius Pilate "I am" is not saying that he was God. He was not being asked if he was God. The question was if he was king of the Jews. And as for the phrase "I am" that is not the same thing as what God said at the burning bush where he said אהיה אשר אהיה "I will be that who I will be"  

But in any case, there are four different opinions about who Jesus was in the four Gospels. 

And as for nullification of the commandments, that was the idea of Paul who certainly did not get it from Jesus who never said [nor dreamed]such a thing.

 Elections are coming up in Israel and I think to vote Likud is the best idea. The religious tickets I can not agree with because they do not really represent Torah. The religious groups even on their small playing fields create hell on earth in their own communities.