After the Ukraine destroyed the bridge linking the Crimea with mainland, there is no question that russia will retaliate in a massive way including nuclear strikes to defend the four annexed territories. U really don't understand why someone does not try to the lessen tensions instead of pouring on rhetoric that will ignite global catastrophe.
Belief in God is rational. Everything has a cause. So unless there is a first cause, then you would have an infinite regress. And then nothing could exist. Therefore there must be a first cause. Therefore God, the first cause, exists. QED.
I mentioned to someone in the local Breslov [Na Nach ] place that if I had known better, I would have spent half time in Shar Yashuv [a great Litvak yeshiva in NY] and half time in university. But in this conversation, it came up about what I would have majored in. -- Philosophy. And he pointed out that therefore it was great that I did not go to university.--as we know nowadays how far philosophy has become ''obviously false'' [in the famous words of the great philosopher John Searle]
[Physics would not have been possible for me at that time since I was not aware of the way of learning of Rav Nahman of just saying the words and going on. With that method I did in fact go to NYU university and majored in Physics]
I realize that doing lots of review is an essential part of the Litvak world. I recall that when I mentioned the idea of fast learning [saying the words and going on] to Motti Friefeld, he made it clear that review is the proper way of learning. But in Shar Yashuv there was such an emphasis on deep learning and review that i sort of had to rebel in order to make any progress at all. And this idea of review is mentioned in the Gemara about that disciple who had to learn one thing 400 times in order to get the idea at all.
In the long run, i think the general path of the litvak world is deep learning in the morning and fast learning in the afternoon --and that combination makes the most sense for me.
[fast learning means with tosphot,, just with less staying on the same page.]
What is idolatry-the worship of any being besides the First Cause
The very word ''idolatry'' is being used in a sloppy fashion. While people may have things they over emphasize, that is not idolatry. And things that are idolatry are thought to be kosher since they are Jewish.
What is idolatry-the worship of any being besides the First Cause by any one of the four services or are according to its way.[חגשה הקטרה שחיטה השתחוויה] Bringing close to an altar, burning [incense or similar], slaughter bowing, or according to its way.
So when I say worship of tzadikim is idolatry I mean the last sort of service, I.e., doing what they say as a way of serving them is idolatry.
So when i say the religious world is doing idolatry I mean this in a literal sense.
[however to become an object of idolatry is easy. all one needs is to say ''serve me''.] see Sanhedrin 64 and onwards for a few pages and the Tosephta over there from where I got this last law.
[However I consider Rav Nahman of Breslov to be a great tzadik so even if some people might apply his teachings in odd ways, that does not diminish his importance for understanding and fulfilling of Torah]
There is such a thing as trust in God without effort. and in fact I had hoped todo this in terms of learning Torah--and in fact things did work out well as long a i stuck with this path. however at some point I thought to find work. But instead of finding work, things fell apart. but i never thought the generally accepted view in which people sit in kollel and get a paycheck for learning Torah could be kosher at all.
There can be reasons why you might join a group that seems spiritually enlightened and yet seems to be low in morality. To them lying, defrauding , is okay. I think this is a common source of test for many people. When thy fall into the group that seems spiritually enlightened-- this is the beginning of their fall. That is when their lives go wrong because they fell from what is truly good to that which gives the appearance of good, but in fact they are low lives for whom lying and cheating of others are ok.