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laws about slander. women nowadays think it is OK to falsely accuse men of sexual crimes.

 The laws about slander  See  R. Yona of Grondi [the book Gates of Repentance]. 

One issue that I wanted to bring here is that for some reason women nowadays think it is OK to falsely accuse men of sexual crimes. The reason for this is that even though people have heard of the prohibition of slander, they think that to bear false witness is OK. They are not aware that the main prohibition of slander is not just to say negative things about another person, but in particular to say things with intent to cause harm. [I can not say what repercussions there might be from this kind of sin,[probably hell], but I figure that women that lie about men think there will be no repercussions. At least we know that this sin is considered among the most severe. על שלש עבירות חייב אדם להיהרג ואל יעבור : עבודה זרה גילוי עריות שפיכות דמים ולשון הרע כנגד כולם The Gemara says On three sins one is obligated to rather be killed  than to transgress. Theses are idolatry, murder, the sexual sins brought in Leviticus 18, however lashon hara /slander is equal to all three of them put together.]

And how does one go about repenting for such a sin? Sins that are between man and his fellow man do not get forgiven unless one goes to the person he or she has offended and asked forgiveness. For women that have slandered their ex-husbands or fathers in order to get revenge, it seems unlikely they will ask for forgiveness.  So they might ask forgiveness in prayer, but that can not help until they ask from the one they slandered. And without that, the sin remains.


review ten times.

 In Shar Yashuv there was this idea of review ten times. [I do not know who originated this idea but it was well known and accepted. Later when I went to the Mir in NY I also heard people praising the owner of the local supermarket that he had done chapter 3 of Shabat ten times.

So without minimizing the importance of fast learning [in the path of Girsa -] I want to mention this ten time review idea. And further more I would like to suggest that this path of learning with ten times review seems to help also in Physics and Mathematics. That is to say, that sometimes in my limited time, I think that it is time to begin review, so I try to do this ten times of review method even in Physics.  It seems to work.

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Lenin and Trotsky were more intent on getting rid of absolutism of the czar rather that how to form a proper government.

 It seems to me that Lenin and Trotsky were more intent on getting rid of absolutism of the czar rather that how to form a proper government. You can see this in his way of dealing with private property of the peasants. He wrote to leave it in their hands but still to leave management of it to the government.\What good is any private property that you can not decide how to use it?  Clearly the talents of Leni  and Trotsky were in the overthrow of the czar and not in government at all.

I was in a  house that the Jews that had been living there during the time of the last czar had dug a tunnel from that street  [now called st.  Lenina 34] until the city center where there was transportation to leave during the time of the czar. That was about a mile of digging through shear granite with no electric tools. They were obviously terrified of their lives from the anti-Semitic Ukrainians. [I was living there from October until May and only towards the end of my stay did the owner tell me the true history about that tunnel.]

Besides that I have to say that people always surprised me when I asked about the time of the USSR.I expected them to tell me how horrible it was during the time of that totalitarian system. They never said that. Their answer was always "It was better then than now." [Some would add: "Everyone worked." --meaning as opposed to then when things had fallen to bandits and open criminality.] 


a path that expands on the idea of the Gra to finish Shas to add to that to get through Physics and Metaphysics.

 I would like to suggest  that in all Litvak yeshivas even though the emphasis is on slow painstaking exact learning, still it is understood that in one's spare time he does get through Shas with Rashi and Tosphot. It is thought that no one has the right to any opinion in Torah thought until he has finished Shas at least once.

But that really is just the bare minimum. The actual idea of the Gra is to finish the two Talmuds and all the Midrashim, midrashei agada  and midrashei halaka. 

But add to that the idea of some of the Rishonim of the importance of Physics and Metaphysics, I would like to suggest these last two the the set that one ought to get through at least once. That is math up until Abstract Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Geometry and Physics up until String Theory.

You can see this in the Gra himself who said what ever lack of knowledge one has in any of the seven wisdoms, to that degree he will lack in understanding of Torah a hundred times more. [Intro to translation of Euclid by Rav Baruch of Shkolov a disciple of the Gra.]

[The Metaphysics that the Rishonim are referring to is the set of books by Aristotle of that name. But also to the wider set of Plato and Plotinus. I would have to add Kant to that list.]  

alternative math



the Torah of the Realm of Evil in the vol I:30. [paragraph 8].

 The place in the LeM of Rav Nahman of Breslov where he discusses the Torah of the Realm of Evil in the vol I:30. [paragraph 8].

This is tied to the idea that one needs stubbornness to merit to true Torah. But there is a sort of stubbornness and arrogance of the Dark Side. So not everyone that claims to be teaching Torah  can be trusted or accepted since their Torah might be the Torah of the Sitra Achra. In fact, since we know from the Ari that the Dark Side is the majority rule in this world, so one ought to expect that most of those that claim to teach Torah are not from the Realm of Holiness. Rather they are probably teaching the Torah of the Dark Side.

According to the rules Rav Nahman gives there in that Torah lesson, it is clear that in place like the Mir and other Litvak yeshivas were there is humility, there is also true and authentic Torah. 

[You could go further into this subject by pointing out that not everything that pretends to be Torah is Torah. The Rif [Rav Isaac Alfasi] explains in Sanhedrin chapter 11 "Helek" that when R.Akiva said one who reads outside books has no portion in the next world refers to books that explain the Torah but not according to midrashei chazal [ the explanations given in the Gemara and or midrashim. Some books would be OK like the books of Rav Nahman or the Or HaChaim since they are simply explaining the Torah based on the midrashim of the sages." So when it says, "Everything that even the smallest student offers" in way of explanation, that refers to explaining the Midrashim that explain the Torah. Not coming up with explanations of his own on Torah." So not everything that pretends to be Torah is Torah.]

According tp the criterion of Rav  Isaac Alfasi it would be hard to a kosher book among thee religious .They all make up commentaries not based on midrahei chazal.