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One session of leaning : learn as fast as possible--that is to say the words in order with no review until the end of the book. A different session should be in depth with review of each paragraph ten times.]

  I wanted to mention Rav Nahman  said to learn as fast as possible--that is to say the words in order with no review until the end of the book and then review. This method I have found helpful in all branches of learning. The Oral and Written Law.  [One session of learning should be this fast type. A different session should be in depth with review of each paragraph ten times.]
  His advice applies just as well to Physics and Math. That is based on my idea that these are just as much as a part of Torah learning based on my understanding of the Rambam and Ibn Pakuda. [The first time I became aware of this was in fact learning the Musar book of Benjamin the Doctor, Maalat HaMidot where he discusses the greatness of learning Torah and in another different section he discuses the greatness of learning Wisdom. Having  two separate chapters means that he understood that these are not the same thing.]

Principles of Torah as opposed to principles of the religious world.

Principles of Torah as opposed to principles of the religious world.
The religious world can be understood as a kind of super-organism that is discussed in Howard Bloom's The Lucifer Principle.

Jewish identity is a major principle in the religious world because only with that superficial appearance of Jewishness is it possible to make money and gain power over others.

Needless to say this is not a principle of Torah in which Jewish identity means nothing. What matters in Torah is to keep the commandments of God.

In the religious world there is  a basic attempt to build a power structure than appears Jewish, but in fact is quite different than Torah. The religious world takes it as a beginning assumption,-- not just that they are better than others and smarter. But that is not it at all. If that was the case, then others might be thought to be good, and the religious world would be better. But that is not the difference. Rather, the religious world assumes that all others are evil, and only they themselves are good.

However, this principle is covered and concealed, since they need money from secular Jews. So there is a kind of pretense that "We are all one happy family."❤

On the other hand the basic guiding principle  of the Litvak world used to be based on the Gra and Rav Shach; that is to keep the Torah. The opposite is the "meme" [unit of social information] of the religious world which is how to seem like keeping the Torah. "Looks" is everything.

Since these are so contrary,  prefer to be separate from the religious world which is anti-Torah. Do not look religious. Do not lend support in any way to this terrible evil. 
What is the reason to to be separate from the religious world? The same reason why one keeps away from a virus so as not to become infected.

[It seems to me to add that the Litvak world itself seems to have fallen from the high ideals of the Gra and Rav Shach. I can not be sure. People in the Litvak yeshivas might be able to be in a better position than I to be able to tell.]


We find in the Gemara that R. Yohanan ben Zakai  knew דבר גדול ודבר קטן מהוא דבר גדול מעשה בראשית ומעשה מרכבה ומהוא דבר קטן הוייות באביי ורבא. [Translation: "He knew great things and a small things. What are great things? The Divine Chariot of Ezekiel and the work of Creation. What are small things? The discussions of Abyee and Rava (which are a major part of the Talmud)"] So what are these מעשה בראשית ומעשה מרכבה? The Rambam says quite openly that these refer to Physics and Metaphysics as studied by the ancient Greeks. You see this same approach in the first and most important book of Musar, Obligations of the Heart [Hovot Levavot by Ibn Pakuda.]

So this same idea that you see in the parable of the king in his palace in the Guide of the Rambam.
There you have a king in his country. The closer you get to the king, the higher the level of the person is. Those in the capital city are those that keep the Law of Moses. Those around the palace are those that learn Talmud. Those inside the palace in the outer chambers are the physicists. In the inner chamber are the prophets.
Closing of the American Mind, Allan Bloom thought very poorly of the Humanities departments and Social Studies in universities. Not that he thought to shut their doors once and for all. Rather he thought they face a crisis that had been developing since around around 1600. What is the natural man? Noble, blank, or evil? What is the self? But unless there would be an answer, he surely thought these two parts of universities ought to be closed. [But he would have agreed with STEM and Technical schools].

But he like other great thinkers thought that the USA was great. The only question was how to keep up that degree of excellence.

You see in the deepest philosophers nowadays this one constant factor belief in the greatness of America. Hegel called the USA "the State of the future" as Walter Kaufman brings and I vaguely recall seeing that myself in Hegel--I think.]. Even Howard Bloom [the Lucifer Principle.]

[This would bring a question why Hegel has been used for everything except to support the idea of the Constitution of USA. This clearly ties in to the fact that most people that major in philosophy lose their common sense [or start out without much ]. So they find rich ideas in Hegel, and use them in destructive ways. For some reason Hegel is used a lot by Marxists in exactly the opposite way he intended.]

Torah of the Dark Side.

What exactly was the reason or the issue that Rav Nahman of Breslov brings up in his LeM I:12 and I:28 about Torah scholars that are demons? I do not pretend to  reach the depth of Rav Nahman's thoughts. However I would suggest that the issue is that there is such a thing as straight Torah--that is the kind of Torah that I would learn in Litvak Yeshivas that is the basic attitude that, "we have only one doctrine: to learn what the Torah says, and to keep it."
That is the basic approach of the Gra, Rav Israel Salanter  and Rav Shach.
But there is also Torah of the Dark Side. Rav Nahman actually warns us in the   LeM ["hashmatot" printed in the back in most recent editions.]


video for String Theory

I ought to add here that to really get to String Theory, one ought to get through Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory first. [ Even though QFT is different than String Theory still, it is hard to understand Strings without first having a background in QFT.]