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The octaves [the expansion of quaternions, octonians] I think would be something that would fascinate Pythagoreans. There seems to be some odd connection between the way you remember the order of octaves and the musical scale and the fact that Shabat is the middle day of the week according to the Arizal and the recent result by Viazovska that the lattice is the most compact way of packing oranges in eight dimensions. I do not have any great results to report about this. But it seems to me that it must be more than a random coincidence. I think there must be some close connection, but I have not been able to figure out what it must be. Of course Hegel would have a field day with this. He would claim that this is what he was saying all along with his triads within triads.

I am sure lots of people would consider these to be totally unconnected, but maybe I was influenced by reading the Ari a few years back. In any case the Triads you do not need to go to Hegel for. Kant was the originator in his limited scheme. Only Hegel expanded the original idea of Kant. In any case you can see this same scheme --not in the Ari so much as in Shalom Sharabi [known as the Reshash].[That is the author of the Nahar Shalom.]

The curious thing which continues to be of interest to me is the connection with Kant . In Kelley Ross's modification of Kant he a theory of necessity, which  results in the description of eight modes of necessity. See his PhD thesis chapter 5 sec 1

Kant  does not want to expand the original triad. But I wonder.

Even  in Kant we get this triadic structure:

There is a close connection between violence and left wing politics. The reason was pointed out by Dr Michael Huemer. The Left goes by moral relativism. Systems that have at their core moral relativism do not believe in rational dialog. So the only way to argue for your beliefs is by violence. It is not the best option;- it is the only option. And this goes for any system that does not believe in rational dialog.


"Marx, Lenin Sartre, Nietzsche"

Socialism has become a kind of secular religion. It works up a great degree of frenzy in people. Just think of the words "Marx, Lenin Sartre, Nietzsche". You can feel your blood pressure rising. You can just hear people foaming at the mouth spitting saliva as they say these words. Try to do the same think with the two word"John Locke." You can't do it. The words themselves calm you down. You start to think about individual responsibility and  limited government.

On this blog

For roughly the thousandth time, the masters of social media in Silicon Valley are promising to do something about online hate speech. Bloomberg reports that an impressive-sounding group of tech giants — Facebook, Twitter,Google and Microsoft — have “pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the European Union to combat the use of social media by terrorists.”

It could be their are just trying to save their company and thus have given in to government pressure. Maybe it is like the Boy-scouts succumbing to pressure? 

But then the Boy Scouts also should have had that ability. Apparently they did not. I have also learned in private life it is a waste of time to stand up to the federal or local government in the USA. Government has just grown too powerful. I have suspected it is a result conspiracy by the KGB. That is I think the KGB concentrated its energies and finances to infiltrate American Universities and succeed so that the later generations of judges and politician all have been educated in the Lenin Marxism tradition.  That is while ordinary working Americans have retained traditional values the elite of government has becomes remarkably leftist. One bit of evidence I have for this is the required courses in American universities for first year students. Just looking over the texts themselves I was shocked at seeing them preach radical leftist socialism. 

 See the ytube video of Bezmenov. I admit to do this the KGB would have had to expend tremendous resources. But from what Bezmenov said it looks like they did.

There is one fellow who is a good friend of mine who thinks the KGB did not have the resources to pull off this kind of operation.  He worked there in one of the sub agencies. And it is hard to know how they could have done so. Still I think the evidence shows their fingerprints all over American universities.

"Doing repentance"

"Doing repentance" in the religious  world is thought to mean joining the religious  world. But I think that the social norms of the religious  world are very different from the Torah. "Doing repentance" is a worthy goal but I think it is the exact opposite of religious  world. The reason I say this is because the norms of the Torah and the norms and values of the religious  world are opposites.

Being strict in rituals way beyond the requirements of the Torah ought to be a warning signal in the first place. Why would people go so overboard about rituals unless there was something else they were covering up?

It is hard to point out any group whose norms are close to Torah. I think the closest you can get to actual Torah is Ponovitch and the great Litvak yeshivas where what the Torah actually says is what matters, not social norms. I mean to say there are places where the emphasis is on actually keeping and learning Torah.


the religious world

At this point in time I want nothing that has the slightest connection with anything to do with the cult that the Gra signed the  excommunication on. I made a terrible mistake getting involved in this terrible kelipa [evil] and I am super sensitive to anything that could even vaguely remind me of them. So when I say only Musar and the Gemara or Sidur HaGra I am being very specific. No offence intended for the sincere and good people whose names got to be associated with this movement. Still there is something very wrong with it. I am sure there are plenty of sincere and good people involved in Hinduism also but that does not make the religion kosher.
Not only that but I feel that the influence and infiltration of this movement into the religious world itself has ruined everything it has touched. Just saying.

Schopenhauer  dealt with the fact that women can have a negative side. And he saw the problem that England was worshiping women. He thought nothing good can come from that. Since I saw that the subject seemed uninteresting to me since he saw and explained the issue clearly. There is what to discuss however in terms of his concepts of the Ideas in the subject and how that relates to this but it seems off topic for this blog.

What I mean is he did not see fit to put a good deal of the positive traits we see in people into the ideas and the world of unconditioned reality [the dinge an sich]. Nor even into the subject.

So he did not put the ideas into the Will. A great move. But he did put them into the subject which he does not identify as the Will but rather as the opposite side of the coin of representation.

But let'stake a look at Jung. He at least saw fit to out human archetypes into the subject.

What I mean by a "great move" is that Schopenhauer thus solved a puzzle that existed since the middle ages. Divine simplicity. You could say the Ari also dealt with it in the same way, but Schopenhauer shows more in detail why his approach is necessary form a metaphysical point of view.
The Ari is simply mystical and does not concern himself with metaphysical aspects of his system