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 In the LeM of Rav Nahman of Breslov, there is brought the importance of learning with understanding. [Le.M vol. I chapter 74.]. /This seems to disagree with Conversation of Rav Nachman chapter 76. But I did notice today that the chapter in the LeM is not saying to be sitting  on the same page for a long time. Rather the implication is by learning fast, one can come to deep understanding.  

But this does not seem to be the Litvak Path. [Lithuanian Yeshivot based on the Gra.]    I recall Rav Shelomo Freifeld emphasizing reviewing  everything that one learns ten times.

And over time I discovered that people that do not get the deep learning approach of the Litvak Yeshivot right away when they are young, never get it afterwards. But on the other hand I realize it takes a lot of fast learning to discover what one ought to concentrate on.