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Guide for the Perplexed of the Rambam [Maimonides] and the Beliefs and Doctrines by Rav Saadia Gaon.

One of the major ideas of the Torah is to bring to good character traits. This was the object of the Musar movement of Reb Israel Salanter to bring about this goal.
That was by emphasizing the idea of learning Musar--Ethics of the Middle Ages.
But Musar itself depends on world view issues-thus along with Musar what ought to be emphasize are the works of world view of the sages of the Middles Ages and the Gaonic period.
That is obviously the Guide for the Perplexed of the Rambam [Maimonides] and the Beliefs and Doctrines by Rav Saadia Gaon. ]

But along with good character there was an emphasis on Fear of God--at least that was the way Isaac Blazzer understood the ideas of his teacher Reb Israel Salanter.
In any case, it is clear that each school of Musar had its own unique approach but I think it is safe to say that these two things were fundamental--good character and fear of God.

The Guide of the Rambam has a mystical commentary [interpretation] by Rav Avraham Abulafia from the Middle Ages. [I should mention a lot of work of Rav Avraham Abulafia has begun ever since his writings were published in legible form in Jerusalem. Dr. Idel started this whole thing when he devoted his Ph.D thesis to Rav Abulafia and later a few books.]

Rav Abulafia was not liked by everyone. Still  I have a lot of confidence in him.

The Rashba, an important rishon was against Rav Abulafia. But see Shem Hagedolim by a well known Sefardi sage [Rav Yoseph Haim Azulai] who brings Rav Abulafia in a very positive sense. Also the writings of RAA are quoted by Moshe of Cordoba and Rav Haim Vital. [Moshe of Codoba is called the "Remak".]