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Men have been abused and hurt

Men have been abused and hurt. They created the manosphere. But along with the complaints about how they have been treated by women, they attempt to see the larger picture and see to the roots of the problems. Thus Democracy itself comes under attack. Maybe someone saw this before, but I think Allan Bloom was the ignition key. So what is going on is in fact a larger critique on the entire Enlightenment project. This is where Allan Bloom traced the problems to .  So it does look, in fact, like a kind of revolution--in a good way. 
So what we have is an unpredictable future.

Now the ideas of the Constitution of the USA are certainly compatible with the an aristocracy and that approach was, in fact, the final position of Aristotle. And it is likely we would still have this kind of government in not for the constant attempts to destroy it by the Supreme Court. I also believe the KGB at least infiltrated the Humanities and Social studies departments, as Bezmenov said. But they certainly would not have accomplished all the destruction that they did if not help from the basic weakening of the values of the Law of Moses. In any case, it is time to take back the narrative.

the Five Books of Moses.

My basic approach is based on the Five Books of Moses.  I take the Talmud mainly to be an explanation of the Law of Moses. But it stands or falls based on how rigorous and logical and approach it is.  No one in the Talmud says believe me because I am divinely inspired. One person tried it and was put into excommunication.

There are some laws which are called Halacha LeMoshe MiSinai. But they are about a million of a percent of the laws and discussions in the Talmud. Mainly whoever reasons best wins the argument.

Uman. The city where Reb Nachman was buried.

I really have little to do with the area over there and try to avoid it. Recently there was a shooting. There are a lot of sephardim from Morocco and they tend to be hot heads. So one shot a Ukrainian shop keeper. The police came and all the cult people  ganged up against the cops. It was only one police car. In any case there are enough problems with the people that hang out there, for me to say I would rather not be anywhere near that area. For people that come to Uman, there is  a beautiful hotel near sofia park. But its owners are not Jewish

I have nothing but good things to say about Reb Nachman himself, but the area there has been taken over by a cult.

I have noticed the anti democracy ideas on a few blogs in the mano sphere. Some ideas are pretty good. But my feeling is that the problems about democracy were what the founding fathers were trying to avoid by creating a republic. It can be abused but every four years there is a chance to change things. What system can' be abused? At least the American Republic can be corrected when it goes off the path. This year the USA is being given a chance to vote for Trump. What  more can you ask for?


Here is my note on Dalrock:
There can be good parents. My Mom and Dad were prime examples. I tried to describe this a few times on my blog but most people know intuitively what good parents are. So I do not see any reason to elaborate on it here. I just mean to point out there were such people in the world.
But here I think it makes sense to go into the idea of being good parents in some detail. Mainly it means being a mensch and teaching that to your children. That is to act "right." And no one needs to be taught what acting "right" is. Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule

the meaning of the Law of Moses.

It is a great privilege to be able to get on the Internet and speak about the greatness of the law of Moses. I would like to take this undeserved opportunity to discuss it. I see there is some confusion about the meaning of the Law of Moses.

Shimshon Refael Hirsh I think did the best job of putting the basic ideas into modern understandable form. The Musar Movement of Reb Israel Salanter was working  in the same vein but I think Rav Hirsh did a little better job simply because his approach does not lend itself so easily to be misused. Musar can be sidetracked easily.

Mainly what I would like to defend here  is (1) the idea that the Talmud is connected with the Law of Moses. Also  I would like to defend the idea that  (2) it has not been nullified. And third that (3) it should not be used as  prop for idol worship. That might be too much for one short blog entry.
 The best living examples I saw of how to live according to the Law of Moses were my own parents.
And they were not as strict in ritual observance as in the more important parts of the Law. But they did not deny the importance of all aspects of the holy Law of Moses. So while admitting that there were certain aspects of the Law that they might not have been doing with ultimate perfection still I think it makes sense to describe their approach.
My parents were Reform Jews, so they did see religious fanaticism as a bad thing and in most cases a kind of mental illness. But also they were quite aware that keeping the Torah as it was given, not more nor less, is very very important.

So they saw the Ten Commandments as the core. Not to lie and not to steal and to worship only God alone.

The validity of the Talmud depends on Reason. While at the core there is a basic assumption of the meaning of the Law of Moses, but in deriving the details there is no claimed authority except logical rigor. Who ever thinks more logically wins the debate

Reform Judaism has gotten off track with the adoption of social justice as a goal instead of the law of Moses. But at least they are Jewish. No Jew would every join the religious world thar worships human beings.