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The West thinks they can attack Moscow with no response,

 It is astonishing that the West thinks they can attack Moscow with no response, Is not that exactly what Japan thought in its attack on Peal Harbor. They also were unaware that a response would come. Do not people know that Russia will respond?--The flaw comes from the fact that people do not understand why Russia took parts of Ukraine, and the strategy of not attacking to destroy, but to convince. But if the West attacks Russia, the response will not be to convince, but to really attack.

[I would hope that there would be a bit more understanding  about the situation. few people in  the West have actually lived in Ukraine or have talked with average people on the street. the lack of understanding is shocking. So on one hand they do not know what the average babushka selling vegetables in the market think. but they do not know why Russia is taking back what is their's in their opinion and the opinion of many in Ukraine that are now fearful of expressing this.  nor do they understand that the approach of Russia towards people that consider themselves to be Russian and Russia consider to be Russian will be different if they are attacked and Moscow decide to retaliate with nuclear submarines off the coast of California and New York.    

 in philosophy and politics it  helps to trace the genealogy of ideas [and systems]. "Woke" and "gender"? studies stems directly from the Neo Marxist Frankfurt group [the 1960's One Dimensional Man] which comes from the Left Hegelians and the Labor Theory of Value. Without the background the ideas of woke gender seem new and dazzling.  


midot tovot good character would not be known to be an essential part of Torah except for Rav Israel Salanter. Religious feeling would be directed toward ritual. but the importance of musar goes far beyond  the awareness of the importance of good character but also in defining it. sfor pne thing the rishonim were particularly good at was painstaking rigorous  thinking and that kind of thinking i needed in order to understand what the Torah in fact considers good character and not to decide it baed on whim or personal bias.


 Fat. At one point, a few years ago, I was over weight, and this was cured by פת שחרית morning bread, raw beets and eggs right away in the morning [right after doing a few sessions of learning]. Then a jog. The beets thing does not seem practical right now, but I am thinking of starting again that פת שחרית morning bread, [morning bread is brought in the gemara as being very helpful for a whole array of problems.]


 There is something that is odd about the religious world, but it is hard to know what. Maybe the problem what Rav Nahman [Breslov]  noted about Torah scholars from the Dark Side [sitra achra]. But I am unsure if that is all. While on one hand, the express belief in Torah is good, But when the actions show that belief is hollow and a façade, --that tends to cause '' hilul hashem'' i.e. questions on Torah that they supposedly represent. [I avoid the religious world mainly because of personal experience. I think that if they already did as much harm to me and my family as they could then why trust them again?   Lie Charlie Brown thinking every time that Lucie  could be trusted not to remove the football at the last second when he wa no longer in a position to back out.                   ]


 Few one but a few fanatics want to fight Russia.  I know this from years of asking Ukrainians [IN UMAN central ukraine] if they preferred Russian rule or rule of Kiev. The answer was almost always that things were better under Russia. But I admit there  were a few exceptions. but in a city of 60,000 people, a couple of exceptions were not significant. But clearly Ukrainians in the USA or other countries are ultra nationalists-- they have nothing to lose.

But besides the few Ukrainian fanatics I can see no point in starting WWIII with Russia which in the already started stages of WWIII will be joined by China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and to add to that the fact is a vast percent of people in the USA itself hate America and can not wait for a bit of chaos to start rioting, burning, looting and raping --as soon as things get unstable.  


musar books on ethics from the middle ages

 in musar there is given the idea that midot tovot are the prime obligation. good character. this helps to a large degree in understanding the of what the Torah considers to be of primary importance and what is secondary. but the main effect of musar nowadays is only in the area of hashgafa [world view] but not o much in translating that into action. but even that alone --that establishing a firm foundation of what is important in Torah is also of great importance.